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Example sentences for "cippus"

Lexicographically close words:
ciphered; ciphering; ciphers; cipollino; cippi; cipue; circa; circinate; circiter; circle
  1. A cippus stands at the corner to do the double duty of defining the limits of the basilica, and to keep the wheels of wagons from running up on the steps.

  2. Cippus to Faustina the elder, erected by an official of the treasury, found near the Temple of Saturn in the Forum.

  3. The inscription has been read twice: once towards the end of the fifteenth century, when the cippus containing it was removed to S.

  4. The tomb is composed of a pedestal, built of blocks of travertine, with a marble cippus upon it, ornamented with a statue of the youth, and the story of his life told in Greek and Latin verse.

  5. Illustration: The Cippus of Agrippina the Elder, made into a measure for grain.

  6. The cippus represented in the illustration below is manifestly the work of Caligula, because mention is made on it of his accession to the throne.

  7. Jupiter, on a cippus with a curious relief of Claudia drawing the boat with the image of the Magna Mater up the Tiber.

  8. An armed statue of Claudius Albinus standing on a cippus which marked the spot where the body of Caius Cæsar was burnt, inscribed C.

  9. This cippus supported a statue raised in honor of Titus Sennius Sollemnis, a Viducassian by birth, and one of the high priests of the town.

  10. The story of Genucius Cippus is one of those strange fables with which the Roman history is diversified.

  11. This is not less wonderful, than how Tages sprang from a clod of earth; or how the lance of Romulus became a tree; or how Cippus became decked with horns.

  12. Cippus becomes horned, and goes into voluntary banishment, rather than his country should be deprived of its liberty by his means.

  13. Pliny the Elder considers the story of the horns of Cippus as much a fable as that of Actæon.

  14. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cippus" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.