Immediately behind the high altar, adorned with a ciborium or canopy by B.
The high altar, under a ciborium or canopy supported on four columns of rare porphyry, is decorated with statuettes and candelabra by Giovanni Caccini.
This ciborium is a work of the highest merit, and is in the style of the thirteenth century.
Subsequently his widow presented a golden ciborium to Monseigneur Charlot.
At that epoch the ciborium was made in the beautiful shape of a pomegranate, which you recognize in this delicious example.
Christopher was exposed on the altar, but the shrine was locked up, and the parroco had gone into the country to visit a sick man, with the key in his pocket, while the ciborium was swathed in festival draperies.
Much of the material was used in the seventeenth century for the restoration and rebuilding of the communal palace, and two at least of the pillars of the ciborium of S.
Crisogono, remains of an early ciborium or chancel, and traces of a crypt were found, also the Limoges pastoral staff now in the museum.
The ciborium is hexagonal and rests on six columns of Greek cipollino, with the top and bottom mouldings worked on them; the caps are Byzantine of the sixth or seventh century, but without super-abaci.
The ciborium has pointed arches resting upon Corinthianising caps and columns of cipollino carved in coffered patterns or spiral and zigzag channelling; a cornice of acanthus-leaves runs above the arches.
Maria in Canneto and other destroyed churches; and here also the chapter of the cathedral has deposited portions of the cathedral ciborium and other architectural fragments.
In the north wall is a square marble panel with an enthroned Christ, of Byzantine type, like the ciborium and the nave columns a relic of an earlier building.
To the right is a ciborium altar, with a relief of Christ in the tomb half-length, supported by the Virgin and S.
The ciborium is somewhat of the type used by the Roman marble-workers in the twelfth century, but the proportions resemble those at S.
The ciborium has cipollino columns, antique caps, pointed arches, and Venetian dentil enrichments with marble inlays.
The present ciborium was put up in 1277 by Bishop Otho, using the old columns and caps.
In the floor in front of the altar are also several pieces of ninth-century ciborium heads, and bits of twelfth-century carving.
A ciborium was placed on an altar between six black candles; each person, after spitting and trampling on a crucifix, deposited in this ciborium a consecrated host which had been purchased or received in church.
Maria at Toscanella,[291] and a whole family whose names are inscribed on the ciborium of S.
We have already spoken of the Ciborium at Corneto, sculptured by Johannes and Guitto (Guido) in 1168.
The other piece of sculpture in the church itself is a ciborium by Desiderio da Settignano, in the chapel at the end of the right transept--an exquisite work by this rare and playful and distinguished hand.
Arnolfo's own unaided sculpture may be seen at its best in theciborium in S.
Lorenzo ciborium is wholly charming, although there is a "Deposition" upon it; the little Boy is adorable; but one sees it with the greatest difficulty owing to the crowded state of the altar and the dim light.
Do you know, my sister, what has been done to the ciborium (sacred vessel for the sacrament)?
The cover, fallen to one side, had a number of bullet marks, as the ciborium itself had.
Can the ciborium be placed outside the stone, or should the particles be taken from the ciborium and arranged on the corporal, so as to rest on the altar-stone?
With regard to the third question, we beg to say that the ciborium or particles ought to be placed on the altar-stone, and that not only during the consecration, but to the communion.
It is greatly to be desired that these ciborium altars were more generally revived in our times, especially for the reservation of the holy sacrament.
The baldacchino raised with questionable taste above the ciborium of Arnolfo di Cambio, a pupil of Nicolò Pisano (A.
In the spring of 1594, while Giacomo della Porta was levelling the floor of the church above the Confession, removing at the same time the foundations of the Ciborium of Julius II.
A fragment of one of the four columns which supported the ciborium above the high altar has been found in the apse.
On the right of the entrance is a ciborium by Mino da Fiesole.
My idea in designing the Memorial," he wrote, "was to erect a kind of ciborium to protect a statue of the Prince; and its special characteristic was that the ciborium was designed in some degree on the principles of the ancient shrines.
According to this opinion, then, if accidentally no water were placed in the chalice, or if the chalice were unconsecrated, or if the ciborium were left off the corporal, the consecration would be invalid.
As she walked towards the window overlooking the small courtyard a voice spoke to her from the ciborium saying, "Assisi will have much to suffer, but my arm shall defend her.
Crowe and Cavalcaselle remark, they are "after those of Giotto in the Ciborium of Rome, the most admirable that were produced in the early times of the revival.
Nor can we forget the foamy ciborium of the Church of St Lawrence.