But I could go on for ever chronicling his golden sayings or telling of his innocent and living piety.
But even Mr. Trollope does not confine himself to chronicling small beer.
And the last words he heard were chronicling the adverse sentiments entertained toward bad children by the Oo-koo-ne-kah, the mysterious great white owl.
Chronicling small beer is the "lame and impotent conclusion" with which Iago finishes his poem (Othello, Act II, Sc.
But even Mr. Trollope[16] does not confine himself to chronicling small beer.
It was an exercise of faith to suppose that many would understand the sense of his best work, or that any could be exhilarated by the dreary chronicling of his worst.
In our mixed world, full of green fields and happy lovers, where not long before, Joan of Arc had led one of the highest and noblest lives in the whole story of mankind, this was all worth chroniclingthat our poet could perceive.
In the Alta California, a consolidation of two rival papers, appeared a brief notice chronicling the death of an unidentified miner, whose assassin, also nameless, had escaped.
Yerba Buena is soon to have a paper for the chronicling of its metropolitan affairs.
And if Alice, no doubt, understood all this, she was nevertheless delighted, and took great pleasure in chronicling the news of the village and giving all the details that came in her way about the millionaire family.
One of the daily papers in chronicling this event went so far as to point a moral on the brutalizing effect of such exhibitions from my momentary hesitation and subsequent struggle forward into the front rank.
It was the happiest possible fate that threw those two men together, for Boswell besides being an admirer and reporter sedulously chronicling all his master said and did, fortunately influenced both the saying and the doing.
Fuller and Aubrey, to name only two authors, spent lives of laborious industry in hunting down and chronicling the smallest facts about the worthies of their day and the time immediately before them.
For the rest there is much pungent criticism directed against the assiduity of the newspaper correspondents in chronicling small beer.
This relieved Aymer from his wearisome task of chronicling the proceedings; but he could not leave or get a day to visit Violet.
The long, long hours and days that he had spent in the Sternhold Hall chronicling the proceedings of the council, and which he had at the time so heartily hated soon proved of the utmost value.
The chronicling of this episode and the fanciful coincidence of the deaths of Dominicus and Troilus may be taken as evidence that his idiosyncrasies were becoming aggravated by the decay of his faculties.
Besides chronicling this strange and somewhat pathetic incident, Cardan sets down in the Dialogus de Morte his general impressions of the English people.
Dampier in 1699, in chronicling the incidents of the voyage with which he was connected, made it an island.
Monk in Koln, vaguely chronicling fifty years after date and at that good distance.
In our mixed world, full of green fields and happy lovers, where not long before Joan of Arc had led one of the highest and noblest lives in the whole story of mankind, this was all worth chronicling that our poet could perceive.
It must tell the reader at once that the event which it is chronicling happened to-day or last night--at least since the last edition of the paper.
Editors grow gray-headed trying to keep up with the swift passing of events, and they are always very careful to tell their readers that the events which they are chronicling are the latest events.