Someone had brought the water from the brook, and Lord John was sprinkling my head with it, while Challenger and Summerlee were propping me up, with concern in their faces.
Challenger smiled with weary and tolerant contempt, as a kindly man would meet the yapping of a litter of puppies.
Challenger had from the moment of joining us issued directions to the whole party, much to the evident discontent of Summerlee.
Challenger presided with a solemnity as if he were the Lord Chief Justice on the Bench.
Challenger and I ran Summerlee along, one at each of his elbows, while Lord John covered our retreat, firing again and again as savage heads snarled at us out of the bushes.
I took heart, however, as I recalled a conversation between Challenger and Summerlee upon the habits of the great saurians.
It must be admitted that Challenger is provocative in the last degree, but Summerlee has an acid tongue, which makes matters worse.
I remembered that Challenger had declared that man could not exist upon the plateau, since with his feeble weapons he could not hold his own against the monsters who roamed over it.
Seating himself with a leg overhanging the abyss on each side, and his hatchet slung upon his back, Challenger hopped his way across the trunk and was soon at the other side.
Lord John lay silent, wrapped in the South American poncho which he wore, whileChallenger snored with a roll and rattle which reverberated through the woods.
Challenger might get off, but Summerlee and I were in the bill.
As Challenger spoke of his pterodactyl I glanced at Professor Summerlee, and for the first time I seemed to see some signs of a dawning credulity and repentance.
Both Summerlee and Challenger were limping heavily, while I still dragged my feet from weakness after the shock of the morning, and my neck was as stiff as a board from the murderous grip that held it.
Challenger tossed his head and shrugged his heavy shoulders.
The challenger pronounced his vow with a firm and manly voice, and a bold and cheerful countenance.
Somehow or another it impressed those around you, and even if a challenge came there was no danger if the challenger could be isolated--brought close, as it were, to your own certainty.
He did not care to have his calling known, and he saw at a glance that his challenger had the reckless fire of hemp in his eyes.
I've got a capital chorus of mermaids to balance the other chorus of Biological Professors on the Challenger Expedition.
But since the Apollo fire and the Challenger disaster, and an all too wide array of constant technical problems, political will is waning.
The challenged has the right to choose his own weapon, unless the challenger gives his honor he is no swordsman; after which, however, he cannot decline any second species of weapon proposed by the challenged.
If the challenger be hit, upon the challengee being informed of it, he should ask through his second, whether he is at liberty to leave the ground which should be assented to.
The challenged chooses his ground; the challenger chooses his distance; the seconds fix the time and terms of firing.
The challenged can never revive the quarrel, the challenger may.
In the above case, no challenger is obliged to divulge the cause of his challenge, (if private,) unless required by the challenged to do so before their meeting.
With a swoop, like that of some crimson Albatross, the thing descended until it seemed almost to touch the platform where the challenger "Conrad" stood.
For one brief second, amid the hush and silence of the absolute awe that rested on the mighty audience, challenger and challenged stood facing each other.
Everybody was confident that the challenger would easily overcome the aged champion, but everybody's confidence was ill-founded.
Rang out a great rattle of trumpets, voices hummed in expectation, and all heads turned in the direction of another archway in the amphitheatre, from which it was known that the challenger and the champion would appear.
If the challenger gain the day, his charge is proved and the woman dies by fire.
Again the trumpets thundered, and as the sound died away champion and challenger engaged in combat.
Into this space the challenger and the champion were conducted and left facing each other, while Perpetua was led to the stake, where she mounted the platform and stood, with the piled faggots at her feet, clasping a crucifix to her breast.
After a few blows hotly exchanged the sword of Theron struck the helm of his enemy, and to the amazement of the spectators the King's challenger reeled and fell heavily, clattering to the ground.
The gaps left by the Challengerin the investigation of the Indian Ocean, have, however, been to some extent filled from other sources.
The statements made in the systematic portion of this Report regarding the distribution of the Challenger Radiolaria are very incomplete.
The rich material of theChallenger collection contains a great number of similar spirally constructed #Larcoidea#, so that at the present time we may distinguish at least six genera.
To this order belong not less than three hundred genera and seventeen hundred species of the Challenger Radiolaria (that is, about two-fifths of all the genera and species).
Now the rich collections of the Challenger have added such a great number of new forms, that we may distinguish here thirty-eight genera and two hundred and twelve species.
But the enormous mass of specimens, which I afterwards examined in the Challenger collection, has convinced me that this separation was not natural.
In 1882 was also published the second volume of the Challenger Narrative, containing a report by M.
Upon the publication of the Challenger chart (Special Report, vii.
There is, beside, evidence for the existence of a ridge across the tropical Atlantic, connecting the Dolphin and Challenger ridges.
We were all struck solemn and waited in silence for Challenger to continue.
Even Summerlee and Challengerwere crushed, and we heard nothing of our companions behind us save an occasional whimper from the lady.
I feel how wise and true were the words of Challenger when he said that the real tragedy would be if we were left behind when all that is noble and good and beautiful had passed.
Mrs. Challengerhas gone to the inner dressing-room, and the Professor says that she is asleep.
It is but a temporary setback," said Challenger with conviction.
Challenger pointed the latter placard out to his wife, as it thrust itself like a banner above the throng.
I had just begun to fancy that I felt the constriction round my temples again when Mrs. Challenger called out from the sofa that she was fainting.
I know of no danger which is now pressing upon the world," Challenger answered gruffly.
So it is with the whole human race," said Challenger to me.
It is the measure of our emotion," said Challenger with that air of condescension with which he brought his scientific mind to the explanation of humble facts.
Challenger lit a cigarette, and, drawing his chair closer to his wife's, he took her hand in his.
When the challenger first saw the little fellow, coming towards him, with a stick and a sling, he really supposed they were hoaxing him.
The challenger seemed to have settled down to wait for Febrer to come out.
His unknown challenger might howl as long as he wished.
I say, Rector, did you really know a Challenger in the 'nineties?
Our dog has been fighting with the Rector's, and Mrs Challenger rescued him; she's bathing his ear.
Any reader of this who wishes to challenge Houdini, or has any novel method of securing Houdini, must write to publicly advertise address and name of Challenger or Challengers.
Those who have never stood in the position of a challenger can scarcely realize the sense of responsibility felt by one who has openly thrown down the gauntlet to a man who is popular with the public.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "challenger" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.