There was only one defaulter, and as it was not anticipated he would come up to the mark; for he had been chalking up rather largely of late: nothing was said about it.
Betty suggested the burning of brown paper and scrubbing the carpet; John, assafoetida and sawdust; Mrs. Waddledot, pastilles and chalking the floor.
Sir, I'd have you know, I had the honour of chalking Number 45 upon every door between Temple Bar and Hyde Park Corner.
A lad chalking on a wall the suspended figure, inscribed TOM NERO, prepares us for the future fate of this young tyrant, and shows by anticipation the reward of cruelty.
Some of these chalking gentlemen have lines chalked up against them, and might find it difficult to pay the score if they were called to account.
But now, because they come not the way of their own chalking out, therefore they are at a loss.
Sixth, Thy fears that Christ will not receive thee may arise from thine own folly, in inventing, yea, in thy chalking out to God, a way to bring thee home to Jesus Christ.
The execution of chalking is a warrant under which decree of removal will be pronounced by the burgh court, in virtue of which the tenant may be ejected on the expiration of a charge of six days.
Wilde and myself nosed about joyously, chalking the name of our unit on every door within reach.
Come along with me, and I'll find you something better to do than chalking an old wall.
Chalking the Pig’s Eye” can be played by both ladies and gentlemen.
The fertility of many farms now is nevertheless due to the liming and chalking of old days, and it is to be regretted that the practice has been abandoned to so great an extent.
The reasons for giving up chalking are the increase in the cost of labour and the decrease in the value of corn crops, together with the much larger use of artificial manures.
Chalk was formerly used to a large extent for chalking the soil, but the practice has now almost fallen into disuse, and in consequence one sees abandoned chalk pits all over the chalk district.
Not very good results were obtained, chalking and slight scaling resulting.
This checking is secondary to thechalking which takes place.
The ink mark will spread rapidly to a wide area if the chalking is of a bad order.
A definite standard of chalking was made up, and the operator was enabled to put down opposite the report on each panel the degree of chalkingwhich had taken place, No.
Checking and chalking progress rapidly when the pigment is used alone.
The chalkingpresent on this formula, however, showed that the disintegration of the paint coat had not taken place for several months after the Basic Carbonate-White Leads.
Soon after this test was exposed, early vehicle decay and excessive chalkingwere observed.
Using Sandpaper [376] Sandpaper may be kept from slipping under the hand by chalking the back.
Then she leaned with her back against the table, chalking her cue.
He took up his cue and commenced chalking it in a leisurely manner.
Footnote 11: Pointing to the chalking on the floor.
The wheels were made by boring and pinning plank on plank, criss-cross, and then chalking off with a string from the center.
Paine was a member of the French Assembly, and Girard never ceased to regret that Paine was saved from the guillotine by that happy accident of the death-messenger chalking the inside of his cell-door instead of the outside.
For weeks a small army of women was busy chalking announcements on sidewalks, distributing handbills, canvassing from house to house, advertising the demonstration by posters and sandwich boards carried through the streets.
How we worked, distributing handbills, chalking announcements of the meeting on pavements, calling on every person we knew and on a great many more we knew only by name, canvassing from door to door!
A little, wiry fellow, with cheerful Cockney speech, he stood chalking his cue at a window.
What do you mean by bullying me about notchalking their door, last night, along with the rest?
And what do you think," interrupted the aggrieved subordinate, "of his having the impudence to bully me for being careless in chalking the doors, when he was too drunk to do it himself?
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "chalking" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.