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Example sentences for "chairmanship"

Lexicographically close words:
chaire; chaired; chairge; chairing; chairman; chairmen; chairs; chaise; chaises; chakra
  1. But it was agreed that the chairmanship should be held in abeyance until the platform had been formulated and adopted.

  2. Will you,' he abruptly interjected, 'accept the chairmanship of the board of visitors to the academy this coming June?

  3. Fair Wage Clause, 87; is chosen Chairman of the Public Control Committee, 94; declines the Vice-chairmanship of the L.

  4. One at least of the pitiful criminalities of our modern civilisation--baby-farming--was dealt a blow during his chairmanship of the Public Control Committee from which it is not likely ever to recover.

  5. He was all for change and innovation, and managed to get the principle of formal election to the chairmanship established.

  6. In addition, the Soviets were given the chairmanship of the Allied Control Commission, the joint body that was established to administer the occupied country.

  7. Under the chairmanship of Ceausescu, the commission prepared a new draft and submitted it to the party congress and the Council of State.

  8. If anything, because of my Parnellite proclivities, I rather leaned to Mr Redmond's side, and his chairmanship of the Party had certainly my most loyal adherence.

  9. With a reorganization in 1900 under the chairmanship of Professor John O.

  10. The project was never forgotten, however, and was brought up year after year in alumni gatherings until in 1903 a committee under the Chairmanship of Judge C.

  11. He offered the defeated Habsburgs very decent terms of peace, provided they would resign their chairmanship of the Confederation.

  12. The Congress had established a new German Confederation, a league of thirty-eight sovereign states, under the chairmanship of the King of Austria, who was now known as the Emperor of Austria.

  13. The chairmanship of the Committee on Military Affairs was bestowed upon a major-general of volunteers from Ohio, Robert C.

  14. Immediately in his rear is his successor in the chairmanship of the Committee of Ways and Means--Mr. Morrill, of Vermont.

  15. The chairmanship of this committee was filled by a Senator of most eminent fitness and ability.

  16. The chairmanship of a committee is a position of much influence and power.

  17. I have accepted the chairmanship of the management council.

  18. Mushet, the more acceptable candidate, ran on a ticket endorsed by business-men organized under the chairmanship of M.

  19. This train full of necessaries was the first relief of its kind that reached San Francisco; other shipments of supplies followed daily; and with the first relief train went a corps of surgeons, under the chairmanship of Dr.

  20. His chairmanship of the Tyne Commission extended over a period of twenty-four years, during which the Tyne was converted from a creek into a navigable river.

  21. The great services to the town of the new member by his arduous chairmanship of the Tyne Commission, would have insured his election, but his majority was no doubt increased by the popularity of his son.

  22. Henry Cabot Lodge running away from his chairmanship would be Henry Cabot Lodge behaving as romantically as Horace's wolf.

  23. Where the race is to the slow you lay aside your winged gifts one by one and your ambition centers finally not on the Presidency but on some committee chairmanship clung to by a pertinacious octogenarian.

  24. When the present Congress was in process of organization Borah announced that he would bolt the party caucus if Penrose were slated for the chairmanship of the Finance Committee to which he was entitled according to the rule of seniority.

  25. He wrote to Mr. Chamberlain: 'I've taken the chairmanship of the Chelsea Board of Guardians, so am keeping my hand in on the prevention of obstruction.

  26. Lord Stanley wanted Mr. Herbert to undertake the chairmanship of the India Commission.

  27. It was intimated to Lord Stanley that Mr. Herbert would accept the chairmanship on condition that the pending reforms at home were hastened.

  28. The date named was the occasion of a banquet which was held in Mr. John McDonnell’s garden on St. Antoine Street, under the chairmanship of the Hon.

  29. McDuffie resigned his seat and his chairmanship in the House in utter disgust.

  30. In the beginning of 1859, however, I learnt that the company, then under the chairmanship of Mr. Schuster, demanded payment for this additional service.

  31. The vacancy in prospect was that of the Chairmanship of the Audit Office (spoken of long ago by Lord Clanricarde), but no exact information existed as to the intentions of the incumbent, Sir William Herries.

  32. Lord Clanricarde informed me that a vacancy was expected in the chairmanship of the Audit Office, to which it was intended that Colonel Maberly should be appointed.

  33. Mr. Douglas had been deprived of his chairmanship of the Committee of Territories by the Southern leaders, and his place had been given to James S.

  34. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "chairmanship" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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