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Example sentences for "certain places"

  • Even to-day in America we find, at certain times and in certain places, a situation altogether similar.

  • At certain places in the city material was already gathered with which to improvise barricades.

  • But in the Kara Gate, on the east coast of Novaya Zemlya, and at certain places in the Kara Sea, abundant hunting is still to be had.

  • Footnote 77: Echini occur only very sparingly in the Kara Sea and the Siberian Polar Sea, but west of Novaya Zemlya at certain places in such numbers that they almost appear to cover the sea-bottom.

  • The ground besides is at certain places so thickly strewed with lemming dung, that it must have a considerable influence on the condition of the soil.

  • The sea bottom consisted at certain places of hard packed sand, or rather, as I shall endeavour to show farther on, of frozen sand, from which the trawl net brought up no animals.

  • Whoever traverses England, observing its features with attention, will remark in certain places traces of the action of ice in this era.

  • The body, in a complete state of preservation and covered with its flesh as well as its entire hide, to which long hairs adhered in certain places, found itself, again, nearly erect on its four feet.

  • He also ascertained, that particular species of testacea were grouped together in certain places, and were becoming slowly incorporated with the mud or calcareous precipitates.

  • I have already alluded to the erection of piers and groins at certain places on our southern coast, to arrest the course of the shingle and sand (see p.

  • Some species, he observes, with great sagacity, are "peculiar to certain places, and not to be found elsewhere.

  • Some species, he observes with great sagacity, "are peculiar to certain places, and not to be found elsewhere.

  • It will be seen that, in my opinion, the animal scale begins at least by two special branches, and that in the course of its extent some branchlets (rameaux) would seem to terminate in certain places.

  • A supply of hunting dogs or horses kept in readiness at certain places to relive the tired dogs or horses, and to continnue the pursuit of the game if it comes that way.

  • Contracted or compressed so as to be smaller in certain places or parts than in others.

  • The valleys provide numerous agricultural products; the mountains contain, in certain places, timber, and the sterile uplands maguey.

  • Our adversaries profess that they reject some expositions of certain places of Scripture, against which they have no other reason but because they are our expositions.

  • The Flora of a region where nature provides no genial fertilizing rains, and whose soil is simply a shifting sand, moistened only in certain places by a brackish water, must necessarily be one of extreme poverty.

  • In the Frith of Forth there are, in certain places, particularly about Newhaven, the most perfect evidence of a sea bank, where the washing of the sea had worn the land, upon a higher level than the present.

  • Hence it is, that deposits, rich in those metallic substances, are formed in certain places of the soil; and these are sought for, upon account of the value of their contents.

  • It is covered in certain places with a soft and tender skin, for the ornament of the body.

  • What is certain is that the tide carries, or brings us back to certain places, at precise hours.

  • Who is it that has fixed so many great luminous bodies to certain places of that arch and at certain distances?

  • In certain places a few bones are produced for the edification of the faithful, and advertised as the great toe or the jaw of the patron in question.

  • She comprehended that it is the duty of every girl to remain respectable, and in a vague way she had grasped the code of morality as it is practised in certain places.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "certain places" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    certain articles; certain branches; certain gentleman; certain great; certain height; certain kind; certain knowledge; certain occasions; certain part; certain people; certain periods; certain position; certain proportion; certain school; certain seasons; certain sort; certain special; certain species; certain state; certain temperature; certain time; certain value; certainly would; each year; gold bullion; whom thou