If a college receives every year from a certain school a number of boys who are slack and lazy students, the dean of that college may come to generalize and expect most of the boys from that school to be poor timber.
The reasons for introducing the honor system into a certain school or college are probably easier to state and to support than the reasons against introducing it; yet the latter may be unquestionably weighty.
If you were arguing that secret societies should be abolished in a certain school, and wished to show that such societies had led to late hours, playing cards for money, and drinking, you would need direct evidence.
The children in a certain school gave a Christmas | | | party.
In a certain school 216 children gave a sleigh-ride | | | party.
It is the criticism of "a certain school" only that was said to be the result of ignorance.
There is a certain school of philosophical radicals who call us back to Nature, to a life of unconsidered impulse.
Reproduction of the actions of others has by a certain school of philosophers and psychologists, notably Tarde, Le Bon, and Baldwin, been ascribed to imitation.
This may be in the nature of retaliation for the indifference to humanity taught by a certain school of political economists, but it is, nevertheless, one of the most alarming features of these times.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "certain school" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.