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Example sentences for "cerate"

Lexicographically close words:
cepting; ception; cera; ceramic; ceramics; cerca; cercaria; cerci; cercles; cerco
  1. Take two ounces and a half of resin cerate (ceratum resinae), and melt it by standing the vessel in hot water; then add one ounce and a half of oil of turpentine, and mix.

  2. These dressings are to be continued during the whole illness, and till after the recovery of the beast, to promote the discharge; and then the wound may be healed with the cerate of lapis calaminaris, or any other.

  3. This Cerate is usually laid outwardly upon all Parts that stand in need of cooling, and asswages the Pains of the Haemorrhoids or Piles.

  4. If you mingle with it the third or fourth part of its weight of some convenient Oil, it will attain to the Consistence of a Cerate; and this is that which is call'd Dissolved Diapalma or Cerate of Diapalma.

  5. Whensoever it is necessary to apply Desiccatives and Astringents to any Part, this Cerate may be mingl'd with Unguentum de Cerussa.

  6. The practice of colouring this cerate with verdigris, which is general in trade, cannot be too severely censured, as its therapeutic action is thereby altered.

  7. In this state they should be dressed with a little resin cerate or elemi ointment.

  8. The crusts or scabs, when they become hard or troublesome, may be removed by a warm fomentation or an emollient poultice; a little simple cerate being afterwards applied to allay irritation.

  9. Savin cerate and ointment are chiefly employed to keep up the discharge from blisters (perpetual blisters), for which purpose it is preferable to preparations of cantharides.

  10. Soap cerate is resolvent, cooling, and desiccative, and is chiefly employed as a cooling dressing for scrofulous swellings, &c.

  11. In some cases the simple cerate is melted by a gentle heat, and the whole stirred or triturated until nearly solid; in others, digestion with heat is employed.

  12. Mild unguents, as cold cream, or spermaceti cerate or ointment, may also be used with advantage.

  13. Cover the eruption with cerate made with lapis calaminaris, to be renewed every day.

  14. Ointment of tar and suet; or poultice for two or three days, and then cerate with lapis calaminaris.

  15. Poultice for a few days, then cerate of lapis calaminaris, as in herpes.

  16. Poultice the eruption with bread and milk, or raw carrots grated, for two or three whole days, to dilute or receive the discharged fluid, and abate the inflammation; then cover the parts with fresh cerate mixed with lapis calaminaris.

  17. Goulard's cerate is a cerate containing this extract.

  18. This form is still occasionally employed in some shops, but is generally superseded by the resin cerate and resin ointment of the Pharmacop[oe]ias.

  19. Soap cerate, a cerate formed of soap, olive oil, white wax, and the subacetate of lead, sometimes used as an application to allay inflammation.

  20. On the cheek, however, must be applied at the same time the cerate spoken of above, covered over with wool.

  21. Repeat this through the day with fresh cerate and wool; putting on your stockings carefully.

  22. For corns between the toes, add to the cerate a little soft, open white wool, such as you may pick off the surface of a blanket.

  23. The spermaceti-cerate gives a little more consistence to the lard, which, in warm weather especially, is a great advantage.

  24. I generally advise equal parts of prepared lard and of spermaceti-cerate to be blended together to make an ointment.

  25. A little simple cerate should be spread on lint, and be applied every morning to the part affected, and a white-bread poultice, every night, until it is quite healed.

  26. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cerate" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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