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Example sentences for "cephalopods"

Lexicographically close words:
cephalad; cephalic; cephalis; cephalopod; cephalopodous; cephalothorax; cepit; cept; ceptin; cepting
  1. Moreover, Aristotle did not so much compare a Cephalopod with a doubled-up Vertebrate as contrast Cephalopods (and also Testacea) with all other animals.

  2. Other animals have their organs in a straight line; Cephalopods and Testacea alone show this peculiar doubling up of the body.

  3. Gelatigenous tissue was discovered by Hoppe-Seyler in the cephalopods Octopus and Sepiola, but in an extension of his experiments to other invertebrates, as cockchafers and Anodon and Unio, no such tissue could be detected.

  4. The fins of Pteropods are now interpreted as the expanded lateral margins of the foot, termed parapodia, not homologous with the siphon of Cephalopods which is formed from epipodia.

  5. The Cephalopods were divided by Professor Owen into two great orders, Tetrabranchiata, or animals having four gills, and the Dibranchiata, having two gills.

  6. Most of the cephalopods secrete a blackish fluid, which they can eject in moments of danger, and thus cloud themselves in obscurity.

  7. The tentacle-like arms or feet surrounding the mouth which occur in all the Cephalopods are provided with sucking organs or suckers, in some cases with a horny toothed rim.

  8. The eyes of the Cephalopods are almost as highly developed as those of the vertebrates.

  9. This monstrosity of the novelist's imagination has, however, done more to acquaint the general public with these interesting cephalopods than have the descriptions of scientists.

  10. Cephalopods are separated into two subclasses.

  11. Another curious means of protection possessed by the dibranchiate cephalopods is an ink-bag, the brown or black secretions of which are ejected through the siphon, clouding the water when the animal wishes to escape from danger.

  12. John Adam Wright's latest monograph on the cephalopods of North America as the "Chain Tickle specimen"--was captured.

  13. From the "Report on the Cephalopods of the Northeastern Coast of America," by A.

  14. By far the large majority of Cephalopods are enclosed in a single shell, though a few have a rudimentary shell or none at all.

  15. In Cephalopods the position of the Gasteropod foot is occupied by the external yolk-sack.

  16. In Cephalopods they have been found by Lankester, and in Oniscus by Bobretzky.

  17. In the Cephalopods the alimentary tract is formed, as in other cephalophorous Mollusca, of three sections.

  18. The pen, then, of Cephalopods would not represent the plug of the shell-gland.

  19. In Cephalopods the auditory organs are formed as epiblastic pits on the posterior surface of the embryo, and are at first widely separated (fig.

  20. In Cephalopods the vascular system is formed by a series of independent (?

  21. The rhythmical contraction of the yolk-sack of Cephalopods appears to be a phenomenon of the same nature as the contraction of the foot sinus of Limax.

  22. The Cephalopods are divided into two orders.

  23. To a great degree, these birds are opportunistic, feeding rather heavily at times on cephalopods and crustaceans, particularly nektonic forms.

  24. Other incidental prey were copepods and cephalopods in North Atlantic areas.

  25. In the belemnites and their descendants, the squids and cuttlefish, the cephalopods made the radical change from external to the internal shell.

  26. The day of the ammonite and the belemnite also now drew to a close, and only a few of these cephalopods were left to survive the period.

  27. The great eurypterids--some of which were five or six feet in length--and the cephalopods were still masters of the seas.

  28. A genus of cephalopods having a multilocular, internal, siphunculated shell in the form of a flat spiral, the coils of which are not in contact.

  29. In cephalopods the structure of the capsule is very complex.

  30. Other cephalopods use this means of escape.

  31. In cephalopods the sexes are separate, the male being often much smaller than the female.

  32. Tetrabranchiata, cephalopods with four plumelike gills inside the mantle; and 2.

  33. In the first subclass belong all those very ancient cephalopods called in a general way ammonites, goniatites, orthoceratites, etc.

  34. The cephalopods are very different in shape, activity, and in their higher organization and intelligence, from other mollusks, but their general anatomy is the same.

  35. The explanation of this history is probably to be found in the rise of the predatory cephalopods and fishes, the natural enemies of the trilobites, against whom they could have no other protection than their agility in escaping.

  36. Among the Cephalopods we have Gyroceras and Lituites cornu-arietis (Fig.

  37. The Belemnites, molluscous Cephalopods of a very curious organisation, appeared in great numbers, and for the first time, in the Jurassic seas.

  38. The internal shell, or pen, of cephalopods like the squids.

  39. An order of cephalopods which includes those with two gills, an apparatus for emitting an inky fluid, and either eight or ten cephalic arms bearing suckers or hooks, as the octopi and squids.

  40. The name is sometimes applied to dibranchiate cephalopods generally.

  41. Most univalves are spiral and are the shells of gastropods, but many belong to cephalopods and pteropods.

  42. A division of the dibranchiate cephalopods including the cuttlefishes and squids.

  43. Cretaceous system of the south, and can be used for marking palaeontological horizons as the cephalopods are used elsewhere.

  44. For instance, the eyes of Cephalopods or cuttle-fish and of vertebrate animals appear wonderfully alike; and in such widely sundered groups no part of this resemblance can be due to inheritance from a common progenitor.

  45. Fossil Cephalopods used by Hyatt as test of.

  46. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cephalopods" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.