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Example sentences for "cellophane"

Lexicographically close words:
celles; cellier; celliers; cellist; cello; cellos; cells; cellular; cellule; cellules
  1. The only prints that we knew of were the fragmentary prints which I previously pointed out had been indicated by the cellophane on the trigger guard.

  2. Who placed the cellophane material there, in your opinion?

  3. There had been placed over that area a piece of cellophane material.

  4. By the way, Mr. Latona, on 649 there seems to be a scotch tape or cellophane tape over the fingerprint, is that right?

  5. What was the purpose of putting the cellophane there?

  6. Now, when you received it with the cellophane cover, what portion did it cover?

  7. The cellophane window in the side of the carton gave us an excellent view of our prisoner.

  8. All tin cans are licked clean, and in many cases greasy paper and cellophane wrappings are eaten.

  9. While he was waiting for Swanson to show up, a girl in the cellophane skirt of a nightclub cigarette vendor came through the restaurant with a tray of tiny scarlet-wrapped candies.

  10. But April Horn was sometimes gaudy in the cellophane skirt, giving away candy or cigarettes; sometimes plainly dressed; sometimes not seen by Swanson at all.

  11. My present method of using the cellophane is to apply a double wrapping of cellophane directly over the bud then to securely wrap from one-half inch below bud to one-half inch above bud.

  12. There was no cigar-butt, and no band or cellophane wrapper.

  13. Now, you can put Chinese chestnuts raw in cellophane bags and seal them with a hot iron.

  14. I didn't get hold of the type of cellophane that you can seal.

  15. Last year was the first time that I tried them in sealed cellophane, but sealed in cellophane bags in cold storage last year they remained perfectly good for 40 days.

  16. A Member: What's the retail sale on those cellophane bags?

  17. Mylar and cellophane are resistant to chemical agents.

  18. Surprisingly enough, some industries such as the tobacco industry and the rayon and cellophane industries expanded considerably.

  19. Both Fredericksburg and Richmond have a large cellophane company and certain medicinal drugs such as streptomycin and thiamine hydrochloride are manufactured at Elkton.

  20. Without haste the Lieutenant fished a cigar from the breast pocket of his coat and began almost leisurely to strip away its cellophane wrapper.

  21. He leaned back in the creaking swivel chair and began to unwrap the cellophane from a cigar.

  22. Wrap the coil at several points with cellophane or plastic tape to keep it from unwinding.

  23. In making up a package using dry ice, the hands or fingers, properly tagged, should be placed in cellophane or paper bags.

  24. The dry ice should not be in direct contact with the cellophane or paper bags which contain the hands or fingers.

  25. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cellophane" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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