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Example sentences for "celliers"

Lexicographically close words:
cellars; celle; celled; celles; cellier; cellist; cello; cellophane; cellos; cells
  1. In one of these ancient celliers is a vast tun, capable of containing nearly 5,000 gallons, carved over with an elaborate device of vineleaves and bunches of grapes entwined around overflowing cornucopia and bottles of champagne.

  2. Beyond this range of celliers is another courtyard of smaller dimensions where there are additional celliers in which wines of recent vintages in casks are stored.

  3. The boldly-designed basement, the ascending sweep conducting to the extensive celliers and the little centre belfry give a character of originality to the building.

  4. All these establishments have their celliers and their cellars, together with cottages for the accommodation of the numerous vinedressers in the employment of the firm.

  5. The buildings on the opposite side of the courtyard comprise a large packing-hall, celliers where the wine is finished off, and rooms where corks and such-like things are stored.

  6. Mr. Celliers in a subsequent statement confirmed the above, and added: The impression which the Doctor gave me most certainly was that he had never expected help and did not want it.

  7. When Celliers and Rowlands left them at 11 a.

  8. Celliers and Rowland, carrying despatches from members of the Reform Committee, met the column.

  9. How is it that nothing was said of this to Celliers and Rowland; nothing in the Letter of Colonel White and Dr.

  10. The buildings on the opposite side of the courtyard comprise a large packing-hall, celliers where the wine is finished off, and rooms where corks and suchlike things are stored.

  11. The circumstance of their being on one level, slightly below the celliers of the establishment, is a great convenience as regards the various manipulations which the wine has to undergo.

  12. Still no one fired, for the order was that we were to save our powder until Celliers let off his gun.

  13. Then Celliers returned from his commission, and we retired to a place called Vechtkop, near the Rhenoster River; altogether we numbered not more than fifty or sixty souls, including women and children.

  14. Spurred by the heroic attitude and fine courage displayed by his wife, Mr. Celliers lost not a moment in availing himself of the long-looked-for opportunity.

  15. The native replied that he was on his way to Pretoria, and the happy thought occurred to Mr. Celliers to ask this native to let his wife know that her husband was in perfect safety.

  16. The day was far spent when they reached a Kaffir kraal, and here Mr. Celliers sank down in agony of mind and body, too great for words.

  17. Mr. Celliers instantly decided to accompany the waggon back to the lager, and prepared himself for departure that very day.

  18. Mr. Celliers remained in the field until the war was over.

  19. A farm-hand, a trusted native servant, was asked to undertake the task of escorting Mr. Celliers to the Boer lines.

  20. Celliers succeeded in cutting the railway and seized a train containing supplies for the Germans, but his attack on Jakalswater was a failure, and the enemy made forty-three of his men prisoners.

  21. The second brigade commanded by Colonel Celliers had been directed to cut the railway line between Jakalswater and Sphinx.

  22. In passing we gazed at it with varied emotions, for we seemed to see the laager of Sarel Celliers there, surrounded by Moselekatze's hordes.

  23. Moreover, the prédicant Celliers is away, so there is none to marry them.

  24. On the 30th, after a brisk engagement, Celliers was sent flying to the west by Lord Methuen, who returned to Klerksdorp on the 1st of February.

  25. Though these leaders got off, in the course of the operations, 127 Boers were taken and Commandant Celliers was wounded.

  26. Celliers was laid upon the table, but subsequently withdrawn.

  27. Celliers (Lichtenburg) had already told the meeting what mandate he had received from his burghers.

  28. Celliers had had his horse shot under him and was himself badly wounded in the knee.

  29. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "celliers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.