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Example sentences for "celestiall"

Lexicographically close words:
celeriter; celeritie; celerity; celery; celestial; celestially; celestials; celibacy; celibate; celibates
  1. This night he meaneth with a Corded-ladder To climbe celestiall Siluia's chamber window, My selfe in counsaile his competitor.

  2. Hell, An Age of discord and continuall strife, Whereas the contrarie bringeth blisse, And is a patterne of Celestiall peace.

  3. Your oth I will not trust: but go with speed To some forlorne and naked Hermitage, Remote from all the pleasures of the world: There stay, vntill the twelue Celestiall Signes Haue brought about their annuall reckoning.

  4. I shall report, For most it caught me, the Celestiall Habits, (Me thinkes I so should terme them) and the reuerence Of the graue Wearers.

  5. Celestiall as thou art, Oh pardon loue this wrong, That sings heauens praise, with such an earthly tongue Ped.

  6. Vertuous and Holy, chosen from aboue, By inspiration of Celestiall Grace, To worke exceeding myracles on earth.

  7. These be fine things, and if they be not sprights: that's a braue God, and beares Celestiall liquor: I will kneele to him Ste.

  8. Tis some celestiall rapture of the minde, No earthlie harmonic is of this kinde.

  9. If this celestiall doctour (so aucthorised by the father of heauen, and commaunded [Sidenote: Matt.

  10. Dooest thou not in hating the peace of thy countrie as a deadlie serpent, and thirsting after ciuill wars and spoiles (oftentimes vniustlie gotten) shut vp against thy soule the gates of celestiall peace and refreshment?

  11. Germane the bishop of Auxerre, and Lupus bishop of Trois should passe ouer into Britaine to confirme the Christians there in the faith of the celestiall grace.

  12. Honour to thee, celestiall and clere 610 Goddes of love, and to thy celsitude, That yevest us light so fer down from thy spere, Persing our hertes with thy pulcritude!

  13. And strange it is to consider and marke, how these people by a celestiall kind of influence were begotten and borne as it were to prowesse and renowme; the course of their dealings in the field most aptlie answering to their name.

  14. Also the intelligible world should be clothed with the celestiall, and the celestiall with the elementary.

  15. O had their harts been like vnto their face, They sure had been of some celestiall race.

  16. And after that the knight had made an ende of his consolation, the Duchesle was so rapte in contentation, as it seemed her soule had already tasted of the celestiall delightes, and would flie euen vp into heauen.

  17. Or if the fyer of your celestiall loue, Be mounted vp to heauen and cannot dye: Another slye Prometheus will I prove, and play the theife to steale it from the skye.

  18. She graunted, and that knight so much agraste, 160 That she him taught celestiall discipline, And opened his dull eyes, that light mote in them shine.

  19. Saue me, saue me, you gratious Powers aboue, and houer ouer mee, With your celestiall wings.

  20. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "celestiall" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.