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Example sentences for "heauens"

Lexicographically close words:
heating; heats; heauen; heauenlie; heauenly; heauie; heauier; heauinesse; heaume; heauton
  1. There's no Art, To finde the Mindes construction in the Face.

  2. This haue I thought good to deliuer thee (my dearest Partner of Greatnesse) that thou might'st not loose the dues of reioycing by being ignorant of what Greatnesse is promis'd thee.

  3. Deny me this, And an eternall Curse fall on you: Let me know.

  4. So well thy words become thee, as thy wounds, They smack of Honor both: Goe get him Surgeons.

  5. Let your Highnesse Command vpon me, to the which my duties Are with a most indissoluble tye For euer knit Macb.

  6. Braue followers, yonder stands the thornie Wood, Which by the Heauens assistance, and your strength, Must by the Roots be hew'ne vp yet ere Night.

  7. Heauens graunt, that Warwickes wordes bewitch him not Lew.

  8. If I be not, Heauens be reueng'd on me Clifford.

  9. Heauens face doth glow, Yea this solidity and compound masse, With tristfull visage as against the doome, Is thought-sicke at the act Qu.

  10. Heauens make our presence and our practises Pleasant and helpfull to him.

  11. So smile the heauens vpon this holy act, That after houres, with sorrow chide vs not Rom.

  12. A flourish Trumpets, strike Alarum Drummes: Let not the Heauens heare these Tell-tale women Raile on the Lords Annointed.

  13. The Heauens haue blest you with a goodly Son, To be your Comforter, when he is gone Qu.

  14. Doest thou pretende (throughe thine owne misfortune so rooted in thy harte by liuinge in these wildernesse) to depriue thy sonne of the honor, which the heauens and his good fortune haue prepared for him?

  15. The wretched Heauens by cruel fate haue throwen their lot, that I of mine owne mischiefe shal be the minister.

  16. Heauens defend me from that Welsh Fairy, Least he transforme me to a peece of Cheese Pist.

  17. Pluck vp your hearts, since fate still rests our friend, And chaunging heauens may those good daies returne, Which Pergama did vaunt in all her pride.

  18. In vayne mine eyes in vaine you wast your teares, In vayne my sighs the smokes of my despaires: In vayne you search th'earth and heauens aboue, In vayne ye seeke, for fortune keeps my loue.

  19. Thy Children thou, mine I poore soule haue lost, And lost their Father, more then them I waile, Lost this faire realme; yet me the heauens wrathe Into a Stone not yet transformed hath.

  20. In heauens hate since then Of ill with ill enchain’d We race of mortall men full fraught our breasts haue borne: And thousand thousand woes Our heau’nly soules now thorne, Which free before from those No!

  21. Page 24] And the Kings Rouce,[1] the Heauens shall bruite againe, Respeaking earthly Thunder.

  22. The heauens are angry, all their spheres Rivall thy teares.

  23. At her departure all the heauens were glad.

  24. Yet may thy power alternat heauens doome, So pleaseth thee thy forward will t'aduance, And cheare the sinews of thy mighty arme, Whose out-strecht force shall quell his proud alarme.

  25. Why dost thou, Marcus, in thy misery, Raile and blaspheame, and call the heauens unkind?

  26. The heauens doe owe no kindnesse unto thee, Thou hast the heauens so little in thy minde; For in thy life thou neuer usest prayer But at primero, to encounter faire.

  27. And God, Whose highnes doth the heauens transcend, As with a buckler doth the earth defend.

  28. Behold, the Heauens do ope, The Gods looke downe, and this vnnaturall Scene They laugh at.

  29. How haue the partial heauens then dealt with me, Boading my weale, for to abase my power?

  30. Tho you forsake your King, the heauens I hope Will fauour him through mine incessant prayer.

  31. I knowe the heauens 2070 Are iust, and will reuenge: I know my sinnes Exceede compare: should I proceed in this?

  32. I will engraue these preceps in my heart, And as the wind with calmnesse woes you hence, 180 Euen so I wish the heauens in all mishaps, May blesse my father with continuall grace.

  33. The heauens haue thought well on thee Lafew, To bring forth this discou'rie, seeke these sutors: Go speedily, and bring againe the Count.

  34. Opposite to it in the Heauens is another circle of the same name, wherein are the 12.

  35. Wee alwaies beholde halfe the heauens aboue vs, which could not bee if the earth had any sensible proportion to the heauen.

  36. That the earth is noe bigger then a point or pinns head in comparison of the highest heauens will easily appeare vnto vs, by these reasons.

  37. It's Heauens will, Some Spirit put this paper in the Packet, To blesse your eye withall King.

  38. But say I warn'd ye; Take heed, for heauens sake take heed, least at once The burthen of my sorrowes, fall vpon ye Car.

  39. Tis your councell, My Lord should to the Heauens be contrary, Oppose against their wills.

  40. In my conscience The heauens with that we haue in hand, are angry, And frowne vpon's Ant.

  41. Apollo's angry, and the Heauens themselues Doe strike at my Iniustice.

  42. Farewell, The day frownes more and more: thou'rt like to haue A lullabie too rough: I neuer saw The heauens so dim, by day.

  43. There's some ill Planet raignes: I must be patient, till the Heauens looke With an aspect more fauorable.

  44. Then lead the way good father, & heauens so shine, That they may fairely note this acte of mine.

  45. Most excellent accomplish'd Lady, the heauens raine Odours on you And.

  46. Maluolio, Maluolio, thy wittes the heauens restore: endeauour thy selfe to sleepe, and leaue thy vaine bibble babble Mal.

  47. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "heauens" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.