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Example sentences for "carabineers"

Lexicographically close words:
car; carabao; carabaos; carabine; carabineer; carabines; carabinieri; caracal; carack; caracks
  1. The boy has been rescued by a band of carabineers who have long been on the track of the brigands, who were taken completely by surprise.

  2. A skirmish took place, and the brigands were exterminated to a man; a few only of the carabineers being wounded.

  3. Two carabineers in cloaks and cocked hats who met them on the road put them down as lovers keeping a clandestine tryst.

  4. Suddenly, a couple of Italian carabineers stopped the car.

  5. It was by the accident that the Carabineers had followed in pursuit of the escaped prisoner that the murder had been discovered.

  6. This was done before she knew what she was doing, and when she regained full possession of her faculties she was in the sitting-room, and the Carabineers were ringing at the electric bell.

  7. After each of the Carabineers had given his evidence the president asked the prisoner if he had any questions to ask the witnesses.

  8. A moment afterwards the door was broken open and four Carabineers were in the dining-room.

  9. At that moment one of the Carabineers came back to tell the judges that all was over.

  10. When the train stopped at Civita Vecchia, the Carabineers opened the door to the corridor that their prisoner might stretch his legs.

  11. While the Carabineers kept Mr. Rossi in the Borgo, the Committee of Direction met in a café and drew up a proclamation.

  12. Carabineers were bending over the body on the couch.

  13. The marshal of the Carabineers bought the local papers, and one of them was full of details of "The Great Plot.

  14. II When the train started again, Rossi was a prisoner sitting between two of the Carabineers with the marshal of Carabineers on the seat in front of him.

  15. As the carriage rattled across the end of the Piazza Margherita a company of Carabineers was going at quick march towards the station.

  16. On the dark drive to the prison in the Via Filangeri the Carabineers grumbled and swore at the hard fate which kept them out of Rome at a time of public rejoicing.

  17. The delegate gave the word, and the Carabineers fired over the people's heads.

  18. With a squadron of Imperial Light Horse and a squadron of Natal Carabineers he rode on until, in the gathering twilight, the Ladysmith picket challenged the approaching cavalry, and the gallant town was saved.

  19. They returned to the attack on the following day (Whit-Sunday), but the 6th Carabineers and the Rifles drove them off with considerable slaughter, and captured 26 guns.

  20. The accused was behind the cage assigned to such prisoners, guarded by carabineers and by the jailers.

  21. The very carabineers themselves would have been with me!

  22. The picket-house had been closed at dawn, and the carabineers were away.

  23. Soon there came the sound of horses' feet on the road, and the jingling of chains and scabbards stirred the morning air: the carabineers had arrived.

  24. After walking near half a mile, at a bend in the road two carabineers in uniform, with their guns slung upon their shoulders, emerged suddenly upon me and called me to halt.

  25. From that moment we grew friendly, for the carabineers are a splendid body of picked men, and are always polite to the foreigner.

  26. When the carabineers went with the commissario to seal up the fugitive's effects, they found the body lying full length on the carpet.

  27. The man is knocked down by the hero, and endeavours in return to stab him; carabineers arrive and arrest the carter and not the Englishman (as in real life they unquestionably would have done).

  28. But he disappears from the scene for ever as the carabineers handcuff him.

  29. The procession had formed a group under the memorial-stone, leaving a free space for the carriages rolling towards the Villa Pamphily; the carabineers had drawn near.

  30. The six carabineers who had been told off for the execution were drawn up in line against the ivied wall; the same crannied and crumbling wall down which he had climbed on the night of his unlucky attempt.

  31. Then followed the lay officials of the district; dragoons and carabineers and the local police-officials; the Governor in gala uniform, with his brother officers beside him.

  32. Luckily there were only about a hundred, and after a skirmish, in which one of the Natal Carabineers was unhappily killed, they fell back and we completed our deployment on the top of the hill.

  33. The squadron of Imperial Light Horse and the Natal Carabineers now advanced slowly along the ridge, clearing it of the enemy, slaying and retrieving one field cornet and two burghers, and capturing ten horses.

  34. The Carabineers and the Imperial Light Horse held their fire until the scouts walked into their midst, and then let drive at the main body, 300 yards range, mounted men, smooth open grass plain.

  35. The Natal Carabineers are excellent volunteer cavalry: the police an alert and reliable troop.

  36. Colonel Martyr, and Major Mackenzie of the Carabineers did yeoman service.

  37. On the 7th of December he started off with thirty men of the Natal Carabineers and a few Mounted Police for the purpose of arresting three colonists suspected of aiding the enemy.

  38. A war correspondent was taken prisoner, four Carabineers were wounded, and some horses and cattle seized.

  39. The Carabineers were compelled to retire owing to being completely outnumbered by the Boer force, and had they not done so they would have run the risk of being cut off from their supports.

  40. The Carabineers and Border Mounted Rifles, who were in action nearly the whole of the 18th of October, returned to camp at three in the morning of the 19th.

  41. The rotund negative given by the captain and his pilot to the questions of the Carabineers freed them from further annoyance.

  42. Three times the Carabineers passed near him, but he did not wish to speak to them.

  43. The Carabineers and guards were called and grouped together in order to charge in the dark, marching toward the spot where the shooting had sounded.

  44. In vain was it brought out at the trial that Ortonello was in bed when the carabineers entered his room to take him into custody.

  45. The commander of the carabineers was a dear friend of Vella's and had been dining with the chief but a few minutes before the shooting.

  46. When the carabineers arrived with Ortonello in their custody, Vella was in his last breaths.

  47. At this the commander of the carabineers interrupted the dying chief, and told him he was naming too many men, and that so many could not have done the shooting.

  48. The commander of the carabineers immediately directed his men to go and get Ortonello and bring him to the house of the dying chief.

  49. When asked by the commander of the carabineers if Ortonello was the man with whom he had quarrelled on the previous day, Vella nodded his head and fell back dead.

  50. The carabineers arrived and with them a crowd of people.

  51. In vain was it shown that he could not have got into the house or out of it while a grocery wagon was backed up to his door an hour previous to the time of the shooting and was still there when the carabineers arrived to arrest him.

  52. From the side of the square they were attacked by the baron's troops; from the side of the port, by the carabineers of Captain Georges.

  53. The boldest of the sailors and citizens, and almost all of the carabineers of Captain Georges, jumped into their boats to pursue the pirates.

  54. There are no carabineers stationed in the village; there is not so much as a municipal watchman, for there is no municipality.

  55. The search party at once accused the delinquents of the crime, and threatened to lock them up in the cellar till the carabineers could be fetched from Scalea.

  56. The French monarchs adopted the practice of having a few Carabineers in each troop of Horse; and, in 1690, Louis XIV.

  57. During the wars of Queen Anne the Regiment of Carabineers was again supplied with cuirasses, and was mounted on the same description of horses as the other regiments; retaining, however, the title of Carabineers.

  58. Illustration: Marbot's fight with the Carabineers in the alley] This fight took less time than I have taken to relate it.

  59. Just as I was about to put it into execution, I perceived that the three carabineers had given up firing on me, and gone forward to reconnoitre the group which I had taken for peasants.

  60. There I turned round and saw the carabineers busy round their wounded corporal, and apparently much embarrassed with him and with their horses in the steep and narrow passage.

  61. I flew up there too with the five carabineers after me; but at any rate they could not attack me all at once, for there was only room for one horse to pass.

  62. Just as I was congratulating myself on reaching the last houses of the village, I found myself at twenty-five paces' distance, face to face with four Royal Spanish Carabineers on horseback with drawn swords.

  63. I drank long draughts of it, and should have rested longer by the spring had I not perceived three of the Spanish carabineers riding out of Agreda and coming towards me through the vines.

  64. Carabineers had reported the incident to his chief.

  65. It was occupied by Boers, estimated at about one hundred in number, who offered considerable resistance, but who were finally shelled out of it, without loss on our side, though charged by a squadron of Carabineers with great dash.

  66. A cavalry brigade under Brigadier-General Gordon was here on our arrival, and an exchange of troops took place, we receiving some Greys and Carabineers in exchange for half a battalion of South Wales Borderers.

  67. Their pace was steady, with no appearance of haste, though they must probably have been aware that some carabineers were stationed in the place hard by, which we had just left.

  68. Lying in the deep ditch which bordered our side of the highway was a Belgian infantry brigade, composed of two regiments of carabineers and two regiments of chasseurs a pied, the men all crouching in the ditch or lying prone upon the ground.

  69. Through an oversight, however, two battalions of carabineers did not receive the order to retire and were in imminent danger of being cut off and destroyed.

  70. The carabineers might send him to penal servitude for life, tear out his tongue, cut off his ears and nose, load him with chains, and otherwise annoy him, but he had never seen the sick man.

  71. By this time a crowd had collected round the cart, and two carabineers had come up to see what was the matter, quiet, sensible men in extraordinary cocked hats and well-fitting swallow-tailed uniforms of the fashion of 1810.

  72. The carabineers are quite the finest corps in the Italian service, and there are a good many valid reasons why their antiquated dress should not be changed.

  73. You shall know, first of all, that my mother was a respectable Bohemian, as much attached to the regiment of carabineers of La Roque as my dog Canon there.

  74. Now, for instance, in the next half hour, we may come any moment on three carabineers who would let off their pieces without asking questions.

  75. And as the Carabineers have the reputation of shooting straight, Dominic, after swearing most horribly, ascribed our escape to the particular guardian angel that looks after crazy young gentlemen.

  76. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "carabineers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.