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Example sentences for "carabine"

Lexicographically close words:
capybara; capybaras; car; carabao; carabaos; carabineer; carabineers; carabines; carabinieri; caracal
  1. The Carabine or Carbine was a short gun for bullets of twenty-four to the pound.

  2. She is a most accomplished harpy, Carabine says.

  3. Your arm is not a match for your name, my child," said Jenny Cadine, to whom Carabine had introduced this masterpiece of sixteen, having brought her with her.

  4. And at this stage, at a signal from Carabine to Leon de Lora, Bixiou, la Palferine, and du Tillet, love came under discussion.

  5. At this moment the head-waiter came to whisper to Carabine that a lady, a relation of hers, was in the drawing-room and wished to speak to her.

  6. Carabine to Madame Nourrisson, who nodded in sign of assent.

  7. Even Carabine said to herself: "What a woman she must be!

  8. Carabine placed Combabus on her left, and the Duc d'Herouville on her right.

  9. Carabine rose and went out to find Madame Nourrisson, decently veiled with black lace.

  10. Carabine to herself, and looking keenly at Josepha, "then Madame Nourrisson has two pictures by Raphael, since Josepha is playing my hand!

  11. Bixiou in an undertone, imagining that the whole thing was a practical joke, and never suspecting the importance to Carabine of reducing this fortress.

  12. My eyes were fixed on the forecastle; and, as head after head loomed out of the darkness above the hatch, I discharged carabine after carabine at the mark.

  13. That afternoon one of our crew had attempted the captain's life, while on shore, by snapping a carabine behind his back!

  14. In an instant Blanco drew back, seized a carabine from one of his attendants, and slew the negro on the spot.

  15. Chainitza standing before them, a carabine in her hand, pistols in her belt, and, for all guard, two large dogs.

  16. He then took the carabine of Napoleon, and shot with it Kekriman, Bey of Sponga, whom he had formerly appointed Pacha of Lepanto.

  17. Next came a carabine given to the Pacha of Janina in the name of Napoleon in 1806; then the battle musket of Charles XII of Sweden, and finally-- the much revered sabre of Krim-Guerai.

  18. He left his carabine in a corner of the court, and entered the hall.

  19. Carabine is a power; at this moment she governs du Tillet, a banker who is very influential in the Chamber of Deputies.

  20. Come, do you want some rarity in the grand style, --Carabine or Mousqueton, Malaga or Jenny Cadine?

  21. Whether du Tillet or Carabine were at home or not at home, supper was served, and splendidly served, for ten persons every day.

  22. Next came a carabine given to the Pacha of Janina in the name of Napoleon in 1806; then the battle musket of Charles XII of Sweden, and finally--the much revered sabre of Krim-Guerai.

  23. The carabine of the latter, and a musket carried by the former, fell into the dangerous line of aim at the same instant, and An a moment they were thrown upwards again, as if a common impulse controlled them.

  24. His hand was armed with a shining broadsword, such as were then used by the cavaliers of England, and at his back was slung the short carabine of one who battled in the saddle.

  25. Each bullet from his carabine twanged lower and lower.

  26. The carabine of 1793 is the first specimen of that kind of arm which was regularly employed in France.

  27. These three combinations constitute the Carabine à Tige now in general use in the French army.

  28. I am a tolerable shot, you know; and if he means evil, I shall nick him before he can carry his carabine to his shoulder, take my word for it.

  29. Would La Longue Carabine cut one so light on an enemy?

  30. But at the moment when he thought the rashness of his impetuous young assailant had left him at his mercy, another shout was given, and La Longue Carabine was seen rushing to the rescue, attended by all his white associates.

  31. The state of our flour however, and the recollection of our one remaining sheep already doomed to die, at length overcame my scruples, and I fired my carabine but missed.

  32. The Carabine d'Or is an ignominious ghost of the Rue Chartres.

  33. On this night, after the usual meal at the Carabine d'Or, he strolled with his companion down the dim old street toward the river.

  34. A faint heartbeat of the street's ancient glory still survives in a corner occupied by the Café Carabine d'Or.

  35. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "carabine" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.