Since I have quoted Mr Archdeacon Paley upon one subject, I cannot but transcribe, from his excellent work, a distinguished passage in support of the Christian Revelation.
The enthusiasm even of a mistaken principle warms the mind, and sets it above the fear of death; which in our cooler moments, if we really think of it, cannot but be terrible, or at least very awful.
Yesterday Dr Johnson said, 'I cannot but laugh, to think of myself roving among the Hebrides at sixty.
Therefore, in seeing a friend taking such a step, I cannot but speculate on the matter as though I were myself in her place.
But I am sure you will agree with me in this, that, as a mother, I cannot but be interested about my only son," and Lady Arabella put her cambric handkerchief to her eyes.
Thorne, you have told me of this girl now, and I cannot but talk of her.
I do not generally agree with her about such matters; but she has said some things to-day which I cannot but acknowledge to be true.
I cannot butbe hurt at the opinion he entertains of me.
Yet I cannot but lament to find myself in a world so deceitful, where we must suspect what we see, distrust what we hear, and doubt even what we feel!
While for Himself He triumphs in the prospect, He cannot but turn a thought to their lonesomeness, and hence come the words of our text.
We cannot but believe in the light that meets the eye when it meets it, but it is possible for a man to blind himself to the shining of this light.
Therefore, it cannot but be that His shining upon men's hearts shall judge them, and shall either enlighten or darken.
It cannot but be a pleasing Conflict between Vanity and Humiliation.
Consider of it, and think closely about it; I cannot but be of the opinion still, that it will be the best course you can take.
I cannot but regard it as a blunder in statesmanship to give suffrage without an educational qualification, and to deem it possible to put ignorance over intelligence.
Yet I cannot but stay, though the train should leave us, to pay my respectful homage to one of the most heroic of women, whose name recalls the most romantic incident in the history of this region.
Now I cannot but think it necessary for me, who have promised to give an accurate account of our affairs, to describe the actions of this prophet, so far as I have found them written down in the Hebrew books.
And I cannot but think it unjust to conceal from thee what I foreknow concerning thee, that, by thy knowing beforehand what happiness is coming upon thee, thou mayst not regard thy present misfortunes.
So he proceeded and said, 'O unhappy town of Mansoul, I cannot but be touched with pity and compassion for thee.
Looked at even from a human standpoint, the consensus of a world-wide, ancient, organized society like the Roman Church cannot but exert a powerful pressure on the minds of its individual members.
It cannot but startle us to find doubts that we hastily look upon as peculiarly "modern," set forth in their full strength and wrestled with and overthrown by an unlettered recluse of the fourteenth century.
Upon the whole, since Man is so short-sighted a Creature, and the Accidents which may happen to him so various, I cannot but be of Dr.
In the mean while, I cannot but wonder, that these two finished Pieces have never been attempted before by any of our Countrymen.
We cannot but observe a Pleasure arising in our own Breast upon the seeing or hearing of a generous Action, even when we are wholly disinterested in it.
I cannot but think it a pity that St. Peter's is not lighted by such windows as these, although I by no means saw the glory in them now that I have spoken of in a record of my former visit.
Still, we cannot butbe conscious that it must have been, in some sense, a great man who thought of founding a homestead like this, and was capable of filling it with his personality, as the hand fills a glove.
Unlike the worshippers in our own churches, each individual here seems to do his own individual acts of devotion, and I cannot but think it better so than to make an effort for united prayer as we do.
It cannot but yield me some pleasure, hardly as I have sometimes thought of the people of the house, that such a good man as Captain Tomlinson had spoken well of them, upon inquiry.
I cannot but say, that it would be impossible not to show her some.
In so far as 'Supernatural Religion' has helped to do this, it has served the cause of true progress; but its main plan and design I cannot but regard as out of date and aimed in the air.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cannot but" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.