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Example sentences for "said some"

  • Besides," said some of the men, "this strange treasure hath its value, but there hath been no good fighting.

  • Among them, said some of the vikings, must be all the Roman prisoners if any had been taken.

  • He is a hard master of a ship," said some.

  • He has no money, and Malcolm of Scotland is much too wise to lend him any," said some one.

  • Not Hereward, father," said some one, "but a knight from Flanders.

  • The man is mad who thus seeks to seize the land of another," said some of the soldiers.

  • He deserves execution as a revolted Englishman," said some.

  • That's Pegram--that battery," said some one.

  • It's all straight, of course, but on looking back I find that I said some things.

  • It is growing late," said some one, "and yet I think that he will come.

  • It's a dull sort of life," said some of them.

  • We are a nest of spies," said some of the inhabitants, but others had faith in a miraculous statue, and still others in Sir Herbert Plumer.

  • Pontius Pilate hopes to satisfy us by the chastisement of this vagabond; but he is deceived,' said some.

  • An official ran out, said some words to a merchant, called a stout official with a cross hanging on his neck to follow him, and vanished again, evidently wishing to avoid the inquiring looks and questions addressed to him.

  • You'd better listen to what people are saying," said some of the mob pointing to the tall youth.

  • He will have to be told, all the same," said some gentlemen of the suite.

  • Stay with us,' said some of the older ones.

  • And makes himself understood very well when he speaks German," said some.

  • That is Lokeman driving his sheep," said some one.

  • Make a splendid exhorter," said some of the boys.

  • Lo,' said some, 'the proud knight went forth to cuff his own scullion, and the scullion beat him sore and took his weapons for spoil.

  • It is said some of the enemy's mounted pickets rode through the city last night!

  • It is said some of the advanced forces of Grant were at Spottsylvania C.

  • It is said some of the boys had to wade ashore; but none were lost--thank God!

  • It will never be by discussion that we shall come to an understanding," said some; "and if the Protestants do not submit voluntarily, it only remains for us to compel them.

  • When you are thrown into the fire," said some of his brethren, "give us a sign by which we may know that you persevere in the faith.

  • They are at the St. Germain gate," said some.

  • Aft with the boy, out of the way," said some one; a hand led me aft to the stern sheets, and there was Marah at the tiller.

  • No; it couldn't be the parson," said some one.

  • They have gone to beat the Lay banks," said some one, and then some one laughed derisively.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "said some" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    certain point; said aunty; said carelessly; said church; said company; said constitution; said deliberately; said dolefully; said good; said grandpapa; said gravely; said her; said naught; said papa; said slowly; said some; said the elder brother; said the poor woman; said the young gentleman; said the young man; said unto his disciples; said very; said when; the open; then rinse; when given