We are a nest of spies," said some of the inhabitants, but others had faith in a miraculous statue, and still others in Sir Herbert Plumer.
Pontius Pilate hopes to satisfy us by the chastisement of this vagabond; but he is deceived,' said some.
An official ran out, said some words to a merchant, called a stout official with a cross hanging on his neck to follow him, and vanished again, evidently wishing to avoid the inquiring looks and questions addressed to him.
You'd better listen to what people are saying," said some of the mob pointing to the tall youth.
He will have to be told, all the same," said some gentlemen of the suite.
Lo,' said some, 'the proud knight went forth to cuff his own scullion, and the scullion beat him sore and took his weapons for spoil.
It is said some of the enemy's mounted pickets rode through the city last night!
It is said some of the advanced forces of Grant were at Spottsylvania C.
It is said some of the boys had to wade ashore; but none were lost--thank God!
It will never be by discussion that we shall come to an understanding," said some; "and if the Protestants do not submit voluntarily, it only remains for us to compel them.
When you are thrown into the fire," said some of his brethren, "give us a sign by which we may know that you persevere in the faith.
They have gone to beat the Lay banks," said some one, and then some one laughed derisively.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "said some" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.