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Example sentences for "cannot call"

  • Is there any probability that there will be any?

  • But we have had another election since that.

  • The first part of the proposition is true, no man has denied it; the addition which I have made to it then, is the discordant part, and proves the embargo is not submission.

  • I cannot call to mind that I have ever met a man who bore himself better.

  • We were good friends in the past, were we not, and I cannot call to mind that I have ever done you injury.

  • In all our fights in France I cannot call to mind any in which they have been so strong or we so weak as now, so that there will be the more honor to be gained.

  • I dare not say no good man ever hath the same; for securely I know not all folks in this world: yet of them I do know, I cannot call to mind a verily good man or woman that hath seemed me to possess this power over his fellows.

  • I cannot call it a romance without a heroine, because there is a woman in it, and a woman with whom I am myself very much in love.

  • I cannot call it a novel without a hero, because it is altogether dedicated to the adventures of one man.

  • The present communication is penned within the personal range (I cannot call it the society) of an individual, in a state closely bordering on intoxication, employed by a broker.

  • I cannot call to mind where or when, in my childhood, I had seen a stained glass window in a church.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cannot call" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    and his; applied especially; cannot answer; cannot bear; cannot bring; cannot conceive; cannot escape; cannot expect; cannot explain; cannot forbear; cannot give; cannot imagine; cannot know; cannot leave; cannot represent; cannot save; cannot see; cannot sleep; cannot speak; cannot stand; cannot stay; cannot take; cannot understand; fair start; general catalogue; this poor