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Example sentences for "camels"

Lexicographically close words:
camelias; camellia; camellias; camelopard; camelott; cameo; cameos; camera; cameraman; cameramen
  1. Nicaso's wardrobe burdened as many camels as did the merchant's wares.

  2. One, two, three camels heavily laden, and himself on horseback.

  3. The ungainly camels crouched down for relief under their loads.

  4. The tents fell; the fire was trampled out; horses were harnessed; camels knelt to receive their burdens.

  5. Camels are the substitute for horses, and perform the [same kind of] labour.

  6. At daylight sent Mr. Hodgkinson to the cart with a packhorse and two canteens of water, and to point out a more firm place for the cart to cross Watthiegurtie Creek than where we crossed the camels and horses, it being very boggy.

  7. As the camels are lame and in need of a spell and we want to kill a bullock and Maitland not come up yet I have made up my mind to stop here till all are put in travelling order.

  8. The water here although enough is quite unfit for use, the horses and camels refusing it; but there is good green feed in the flat.

  9. Hodgkinson, with Davis and Jack, two freshest camels (Coppin and Siva) and two horses and plenty of water and food, started to run their tracks for the loading they left from the camels.

  10. Spelling the camels and bullocks; taking off the shoes of the horses that were shod in town, having stayed on remarkably well.

  11. They gave no particular intelligence as to the camels save mimicking their awkward way of travelling with their heads thrown back.

  12. One of the camels got bogged and narrowly escaped.

  13. There is very little feed in this part of the country that the camels are fond of.

  14. It is known, that eight hundred laden camels a day, cross the Meles at this one point.

  15. All the camels had their loads on yet, but the packs had busted or rotted and spilt the freight out on the ground.

  16. That ornery hound kept coming and coming till he had begged back all the camels and had the whole hundred.

  17. We never went very near it, because we knowed better now than to act like that and scare people's camels and break up their caravans.

  18. Well, a man that owns a hundred camels and ain't in debt is rich--and not only rich, but very rich.

  19. And, O king, so great was the treasure which Nakula brought that ten thousand camels could carry it with difficulty on their backs.

  20. And hundreds and thousands and thousands of she- elephants and thirty thousand she-camels wander within the palace, for the kings of the earth brought them all as tribute to the capital of the Pandavas.

  21. And he also gave three hundred camels and an equal number of she-asses, all fattened with the olives and the Pilusha.

  22. The camels were all heavily laden with trade goods, and teams of stout oxen stood patiently in front of great two-wheeled carts, accompanied by attendants almost without number.

  23. At the same time there must have been a considerable population, abundant pasturage for large flocks of camels and sheep, and extensive tracts of arable land.

  24. We need not conclude that the writer means us to regard the sons and daughters of Job and his servants as mere chattels, like the camels and sheep, although the people of the desert would have so regarded them.

  25. Did Job need these multitudes of camels and sheep to supplement his new faith and his reconciliation to the Almighty will?

  26. Here some twenty well-conditioned camels were grazing upon the salt-bushes, in charge of two intelligent natives of Rawalpindi, India.

  27. Troublesome as the ascent had been, the descent was infinitely more so; and it was with difficulty that the camels could be made to go down the deep and slippery roads.

  28. A great number of camels were laden with snow to cool the liquors and fruit of the Caliph Mahadi, when he made the pilgrimage to Mecca.

  29. The louder he sings and whistles, the faster the Camels go, and they stop as soon as he ceases to sing.

  30. It swallows up all heavy things; and many camels from time to time fall into the pits, and are irrecoverably lost.

  31. Ali affirmed that the pious when they come forth from their sepulchres shall find ready prepared for them white-winged Camels with saddles of gold.

  32. The Camels of the hot countries are not fastened one to the tail of the other as in cold climates, but suffered to go at their will like herds of cows.

  33. They also made signs for them to drink from the cask and after they had finished one of the camels drank the remainder.

  34. The elephant threshed the camels into helpless cripples and the prince killed the two robbers with shafts from his cross-bow.

  35. When the training was completed, Chalginna having gathered six thousand troopers, five thousand on camels and a thousand horsemen, at twilight started on the march against the city of Eridu.

  36. When the elephants were placed to pasture in the rich river plains; under cover of the night, he drove his war camels into their vicinity, until they knew the herd and the herd knew the camels.

  37. We passed a string of 150 camels pacing along in the moonlight and the snow.

  38. The radiant moon, the snow, and the chiming camels I shall never forget.

  39. From time to time there appeared an encampment of Touaregs, the men sheltered under their leather tents, while their women were busied with the domestic toil outside, milking their camels and smoking their huge-bowled pipes.

  40. Long files of camels and asses laden with merchandise from Jenne were winding in under the noble trees.

  41. There were at least one hundred and fifty camels of the kind that, for twelve mutkals of gold, or about twenty-five dollars, go from Timbuctoo to Tafilet with a load of five hundred pounds upon their backs.

  42. These Touareg camels are of the very best race.

  43. The camels appeared like wraiths from behind the dune, and Rick blinked trying to see more clearly.

  44. Youssef walked around one of the camels carrying a desert water bag.

  45. Rick saw the camels disappear behind a dune, then emerge again.

  46. Some of the camels seemed to be carrying loads.

  47. A command and the camels rose, mouthing their complaints.

  48. Rick asked, still chuckling, "Hassan, do camels always complain like that?

  49. Rick and Hassan got off, and the man with the camels hurried away without a word.

  50. The camels arrived and Rick whispered urgently, "The rest must be behind.

  51. We have camels of camel leather, brass, and wood.

  52. Jump him and we'll grab the camels and make a run for it.

  53. He saw rolls of tapestries, collections of brass camels and donkeys, and glassed-in cases of jewelry.

  54. The camels complained constantly, and he felt like moaning with them.

  55. Don’t you think I like to see camels and lions and things as well as you do?

  56. Soojah had found himself short of carriage, and Macnaghten had asked Cotton to supply him with 1000 camels from his own train.

  57. The very thought of it gags me now as I write, while here in Damascus, Laura and I were having confections almost immediately--and lemonade cooled with snow brought on the backs of camels from the Lebanon mountain-tops.

  58. Those camels are monstrously large--twice the size of any circus camels that come to America, and with their great panniers they fill an Oriental street from side to side.

  59. The Sphinx, the Pyramids, and prows of stately vessels looked out from many covers and became backgrounds for lofty, dark-blue camels and dusky men of fantastic dress.

  60. They run these camel trains in sections--about six camels in each.

  61. An Arab woman with a water-jar drowsed toward the river-bank; a camp of Bedouins with their camels and their tents were beginning to stir and kindle their morning fires.

  62. I don't have to ring in all that taffy about hot deserts, camels and such stuff.

  63. The camels look like it ought to be a heap interesting.

  64. But elephants do not build colossal temples of ivory even in a roccoco style; camels do not paint even bad pictures, though equipped with the material of many camel's-hair brushes.

  65. But the diction used by Christ is quite curiously gigantesque; it is full of camels leaping through needles and mountains hurled into the sea.

  66. Mounted on camels they journeyed to Yethrib.

  67. When the grandfather came to the pasturing and asked where the camels were gone, Hatim answered, 'I have exchanged them for a crown of honour, which will shine for all time on the brow of thy race.

  68. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "camels" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.