They rehearsed it a dozen times before Bonwit and the cameramen decided it could be done no better and then the cameras clicked.
Instantly all except the cameramen turned on him quickly.
John recognized the cameramen with their equipment piled in one of the cars.
There were, I believe, two people right in here and there were the cameramen behind the rail.
Lowery stated that the following--that following the shooting, the action of the two cameramen who had pushed the camera from the area was brought to the attention of Lt.
There were approximately 150 news reporters and television cameramen that----" Closing the quote.
The facts are, are that thecameramen were not taken to homicide and robbery bureau.
Is that the kind of camera that newspaper cameramen often use?
And so, we--about that time we stepped out of the door and there was just a whole swarm of photographers and cameramen standing right there.
Yes; cameramen and television men all over the place; in fact, I was plumb up to my chin with those people.
What about the appearance of the press and television reporters and cameramen at that time?
And Captain Fritz came up and said he had Mrs. Oswald in his office on the third floor, but the place was so jammed with news cameramen and newsmen he did not want to bring her out into it.
I think we've probably the best airplane shots ever made for the cameramen were able to follow your ship until it crashed.
I'm going over and be a hero," he chuckled, nodding toward the cameramen and reporters, who were hungry for the story of the escape from the bandits.
None of them appeared unusually famous and she decided the cameramen were there to meet some other plane.
Janet, looking eagerly from the window, saw a group of cameramen standing at the gate which led to the field.
The cameramen were still clustered at the gate and instead of looking for the arrival of another plane, seemed to be watching them as they advanced.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cameramen" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.