The Kentucky history of his blood was as unfamiliar to him as genealogies on Mars, and while the night voices sounded in tempered cadences about him and the hills stood up in their spectral majesty of moonlight, he sat with a drawn brow.
Fragrances and quiet cadences stole along the warm current, but the song of the whippoorwill was genuine now, and plaintive with a saddened sweetness.
Conversely, when vivid emotions are felt and expressed by the orator or even in common speech, musical cadences and rhythm are instinctively used.
The sensations and ideas excited in us by music, or by thecadences of impassioned oratory, appear from their vagueness, yet depth, like mental reversions to the emotions and thoughts of a long-past age.
The perception, if not the enjoyment, of musical cadences and of rhythm is probably common to all animals, and no doubt depends on the common physiological nature of their nervous systems.
Away off over the hill somewhere we could hear a lazy farm boy singing at the top of his voice: the higher cadences of his song reached us pleasantly through the still air.
I could not see him, but there lay in the cadences of his voice a peculiar note of peacefulness, of finality.
Warriors and priests, banners and crosses, moved promiscuously along, while the subdued blast of clarions united their strains to the deep-toned and gloomy cadences of the chaunting monks.
Hollow gusts of wind swept through the passes of the mountains, mingling their gloomy cadences with the loud cries of the Moors and the wild lamentations of their victims.
It was arranged as a solo for sopranos and altos, and then taken in unison by the full chorus, and I have no musical memory sweeter than the cadences of that chorus, which were given with such beauty and freshness by these children.
I am not going to change my caesuras and cadences for anybody; so if you do not like the heroic, or iambic trimeter brachy-catalectic, you had better not wait to hear it THIS IS IT.
Yes, and there was still another sound which mingled its solemn cadences with the waking and sleeping dreams of my boyhood.
It is demonstrable that these inflections and cadences are not accidental or arbitrary: but that they are determined by certain general principles of vital action; and that their expressiveness depends on this.
Under this head come all effects of surprise, all sudden modulations, all unusual cadencesand unexpected turns of phrase.
During the celebration of the Mass, as the Gradual ended in its last Alleluia, the choir continued chanting the final syllable of that word in cadences of musical exultings.
The stately movement, the weird quavers, and the pathetic cadences had in some mysterious way reached the deep places in her heart, and before she knew, she had found the tears coursing down her cheeks and her breath catching in sobs.
The cadences of her voice would haunt him through the years to come.
In exactly the same way might we consider the "degradation" of speech cadences into real music,--supposing this were really the origin of music.
Herbert Spencer followed with the thesis that music has its essential source in the cadences of emotional speech.
No syllable in the slow unfolding of exquisite cadences but is supremely placed from the first page to the last.
If the principle of choice in the progress of a melody is tone-relationship, the principle of choice cannot also be the cadences of the speaking voice.
If music has its essential source in the cadences of speech, then it must develop and must be judged accordingly.
In the evening, the dim light from a lamp hanging from the ceiling shows the indistinct figures of a double row of natives listening to the nasal cadences of a band who play a pizzicato accompaniment on small three-stringed violins.
For myself I know too little of music to tell what relation the recurrent cadences of those songs and their broken rhythms may bear to the antique modes.
Into its fevered cadences she poured the quivering, astonished hurt of her young heart.
She did not hear a note of the music which poured its plaintive, eerie cadences around her.
The voice was a female’s, and by the softness and exquisite cadences of it evidently proceeded from some person not far advanced in life.
This was a delight to Ada; and to her imaginative mind nothing could be sweeter music than the slowly decreasing cadences of that wild, happy song of the lark as in its very recklessness of joy it leaves the earth so far behind.
We have in it the genuine spirit of Chaucer, the rich nervous cadences of Dryden, with all the grace and life of modern English.
Nothing pleased him so well as to sit with his wife, reading aloud to her while she worked; now translating from some foreign poet, now rolling forth melodiously the exquisite cadences of "Queen Mab.
The tones of his voice played, with a natural skill, through the various cadencesmost appropriate to express the flitting emotions of his mind, and the changes of his thought.
Its cadences swell in power and volume as the sun rises higher; and the full flood of light is transmitted into a full flood of song, as the statue thrills and vibrates with the first kisses of the ardent Egyptian sun.
That gesture, a yellow flame against maroon and purple cadences .
The complex musical phrases by which composers have conveyed complex emotions, may rationally be supposed to have influenced us in making those involved cadences of conversation by which we convey our subtler thoughts and feelings.
As the tones, intervals, and cadences of strong emotion were the elements out of which song was elaborated; so, we may expect to find that still stronger emotion produced the elaboration: and we have evidence implying this.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cadences" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.