I sort in first, second, and cider or culls; pack in three-bushel barrels so full they cannot bruise.
We use bushel boxes for hauling from the orchard to packing-house.
For a small trade, bushel boxes made of light material may serve better.
Prices have been, twenty-five cents for culls, and forty to fifty cents per bushel for everything else.
Pack in three-bushel barrels, pressed so they will not shake.
Prices have been fifty cents per bushel in the fall, and one dollar per bushel in the winter.
His best market has been at home, selling by the bushel or wagon-load to farmers who do not grow any.
In picking I use foot ladders and one-half-bushel baskets, unless the variety is very hard; then I use sacks.
I hand-pick my apples, in one-half bushel splint baskets; sort into two classes as soon as picked.
The general average yields of the corn crops are not fairly comparable one with the other, because they are given by measure and not by weight, whereas the weight per bushel varies considerably.
It is easy to exaggerate the loss of grain, for if a very small stream of grain is seen going into the straw it will seem enormous, though it will not amount to a bushel a day.
To organize billion dollar corporations; grow billion bushel wheat crops; to have the swiftest motor boat or auto; to receive the largest income per man, per year, or per acre.
A bushel of hickory nuts at three dollars yields as many calories as sixteen dollars' worth of round steak.
It was unmistakably an acorn, I thought, and I bought a bushelof the nuts and sent them to this country.
He sold his wheat at thirty-eight cents per bushel and realized three hundred dollars profit from his crop.
It was about 1880 that he threshed his first wheat crop from a tract of seventy-five acres, selling the crop at about forty-four cents per bushel after hauling it eighteen miles to Prescott.
This machine, which is manufactured under patents owned by Mr. Jones, is capable of harvesting and sacking grain under four cents per bushel and is so simple in its design that it can be operated with only a third of the usual horse power.
Who else would have ever thought of dumping a two-bushel bag of oats into a twenty-bushel bin?
In the seventh year one tree produced about a bushel of fine nuts with thin shells.
The neighbors told me that they got a bushel of chestnuts every year off that one tree.
I was thinking of her, and had scarcely embarked more than a bushel or so, for sauce, in a little snug locker of my own, when I had the pleasure of seeing the gentleman whom I had come all that way to see.
Black Evan's father took the place with a quarter of a bushel heaped with golden guineas of Queen Anne.
A bushel of malt will produce ten gallons of good ale; but the greater the quantity of malt, brewed at one time, the better will be your beer.
As to the quantity of beer each bushel of malt should produce, it must rest on the option or circumstances of the brewer, or the head of a family.
You are simply trading a certain marked coin for a bushel of grain, instead of giving something else for it.
She was not even a good bargainer, for by her negligence a bushel of corn was bought by an agreement for 11d.
Christmas; one quarter and seven bushels of wheat to be baked into bread or cakes for various pittances; two bushels of dried peas to be eaten in Lent and one bushel of dried beans "against Midsummer.
Wheat had fallen to 40 cents per bushel in Walla Walla because of the following scale of expenses of shipping to San Francisco: Freight per ton to Wallula, $6.
But cost of labor and general rise of prices have pushed up expenses, until now the most of farmers would estimate the cost of a bushel of wheat at fifty cents or more, some say even a dollar.
In consequence of the short crop, wheat rose to 80 cents per bushel in Walla Walla, and flour to $5.
Grain would be worth at least 10 cents more per bushel than it was at that time; cattle, hogs, etc.
The Assotin Flour Mills of Curtis and Braden have good space, and they announce that they will give thirty-five pounds of flour and six pounds of bran for a bushel of wheat.
One Egel often got a bushel of rye that was intended for another Egel, and one Aesel a good beating which another Aesel should by rights have had.
If Miss von Hinkefuss had met me, if half a bushel of bee-stings had been planted in her body, I should have asked her every morning with the utmost propriety how she was.
I can do nothing further in this matter, for I have but 3 days left in which to settle a deal of important business and answer a bushel and a half of letters.
I thought I was well, about ten days ago, so I sent for a short-hand writer and dictated answers to a bushel or so of letters that had been accumulating during my illness.
And I'll buy a bushel of them, Phronsie, and send them home, so that all your dolls at home can each have a pair.
A bushel of Indian Corn of the growth of New England was found to weigh 61 lb.
If the price of the Indian Corn per bushel be taken at 4s.
A man who received forty cents a bushel for wheat was satisfied; corn sold at twenty-eight cents, and the hogs it fattened in proportion.
The remaining seven hundred and fifty they sold at twenty-five cents a bushel by hauling them to Fort Scott--thirty miles distant.
To steal a bale of hay or a bushel of oats or get the better of Zelie in even the most complicated accounts was a thing impossible, though she scribbled hardly better than a cat, and knew nothing of arithmetic but addition and subtraction.
Until Doctor Minoret's arrival, the good man kept his light under a bushel without regret.
It is the common saying in the Southern States, where the use of wheaten bread is comparatively rare, that a bushel of corn contains more nutriment than a bushel of wheat.
Is it not clear that the larger the crops the higher would be freights, and the larger the charge for the use of mills, the smaller would be the price of a bushel of wheat as compared with that of a bag of meal?