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Example sentences for "burying"

Lexicographically close words:
burthens; burthensome; bury; buryas; buryed; buryingplace; bus; busca; buscar; buse
  1. Illustration: Burying the money on the beach at Cape Lopez.

  2. But the use of images for this maleficent purpose was a capital crime; any person caught in the act of burying one of them in the public road would surely have been put to death.

  3. Tahitian custom of burying the sins of a person whose body is carefully preserved by being embalmed, and the Manipur and Travancore customs of transferring the sins of a Rajah before his death (pp.

  4. So disheartened, lukewarm, and disunited were the hoplites of the Thirty, in spite of their great superiority of number, that they sent to solicit the usual truce for burying the dead.

  5. They erected a trophy on the headland of Kynossêma, near the tomb or chapel of Hecuba; not omitting the usual duties of burying their own dead, and giving up those of the enemy under the customary request for truce.

  6. The usual mode of burying the dead in this country is, to dig a deep narrow hole, in which the corpse is deposited in a sitting posture, the elbows between the knees.

  7. The burying places are outside the walls, and are of considerable extent.

  8. One of the burying places is for slaves, who are laid very little below the surface, and in some places the sand has been so carried away by the wind, as to expose their skeletons to view.

  9. Dr Drummond was in the cemetery burying a member; Mrs Forsyth was also abroad.

  10. The tension of his body relaxed, that of his soul he covered, leaning forward and burying his head in his hands.

  11. Sometimes the body was placed in a cist, with the legs drawn back towards the head, and this position of burying seems to have been adopted at a very remote period by the Britons.

  12. Simonides went out, but found no one; while he was looking to see which way the strangers had gone, the roof of the palace fell with a terrible crash, burying Scopas and his guests beneath the ruins.

  13. This superstition made the ancients very careful about burying their dead.

  14. This was called burying the mace, and no doubt was meant to denote the official decease of the late holder.

  15. The mere burying of lime-leaves in damp earth for nine days did not cause the destruction of the starch-granules.

  16. Archaeologists ought to be grateful to worms, as they protect and preserve for an indefinitely long period every object, not liable to decay, which is dropped on the surface of the land, by burying it beneath their castings.

  17. The sad duty of burying their own dead and the bodies of the enemies occupied the troops nearly the whole of the week following upon the attack upon the Kambula camp.

  18. It is a strange place, this great burying ground.

  19. As strength returned, Miss Nightingale loved to walk in the great burying ground of which I have told you; to rest under the cypress trees, and watch the little birds, and pick wild flowers in that lovely, lonely place.

  20. The Indians bowed in obedience, and Bloodson, burying his spurs in his horse's flanks, started again at full speed.

  21. The burning or burying of the personal possessions of the dead was common.

  22. This is done by burying in trenches, butts up, and covering with a few inches of soil.

  23. It sometimes happens that the vines are shriveled and shrunken from excessive drying, in which case the plants often may be brought back to plumpness by burying them root and branch in damp earth, to remain a week or possibly two.

  24. It is said that the only occasion on which Othman ever shed a tear, was when his little daughter, whom he was burying alive, wiped the dust of the grave-earth from his beard!

  25. The older Arab Proverbs show that the burying alive of female children was deemed praiseworthy.

  26. Probably this ancient burying ground, with its oldest headstone of 1663, has never been particularly attractive.

  27. Peregrine White, the first white child born in this country, lies in the Winslow Burying Ground.

  28. The Castos were buried in the old burying ground in a corner next the road we traveled from our ranch to school.

  29. It is hardly necessary for me to say that this request was faithfully complied with, and that on Friday, April 3, his remains were interred in the Indian burying ground near Renton.

  30. And so Angeline was buried according to her wish, in the burying ground of the old pioneers.

  31. It has saved me from despair and death," sobbed Ida, burying her face in her hands, and giving way to the natural expression of feeling that ever relieves a heart that has long been overburdened.

  32. Seeing that he was alone he threw himself into the rustic seat, and burying his face in his hands, soon became unconscious of the lapse of time in his painful revery.

  33. Oh, Mr. Van Berg, I shall have to tell you after all," she said burying her face in her hands.

  34. Her face went as white as the paper, a violent fit of trembling seized her, and she sank to her knees beside the table, burying her head on her arms.

  35. What with burying fish, climbing perch, and singing fish, Ceylon would seem to have rather more than her just share of piscatory curiosities.

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "burying" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    burial; cortege; covering; darkening; deception; funeral; hiding; interment; invisibility; mystification; occultation; secrecy; secretion; subterfuge; taps