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Example sentences for "bursal"

Lexicographically close words:
burrows; burrs; burs; bursa; bursae; bursar; bursaries; bursary; bursch; burse
  1. This is a bursal enlargement over the metatarsophalangeal articulation of the great toe, which is very frequently observed with hallux valgus, this being the most universal cause.

  2. One other omission in this operation is that of the bursal flap over the raw end.

  3. Syphilitic disease is rarely recognised except in the form of bursal and peri-bursal gummata in front of the knee-joint.

  4. It consists in transplanting between the bones a flap of fat-bearing tissue, from which a bursal cavity lined with endothelium and containing a fluid rich in mucin is ultimately formed.

  5. Peri-synovial and peri-bursal gummata are met with in relation to the knee-joint of middle-aged adults, especially women.

  6. As a result of contusion, especially in bleeders, hæmorrhage may occur into the cavity of a bursa and give rise to a bursal hæmatoma.

  7. They are found also in the diverticula of the synovial membrane, in the shoulder in the downward prolongation along the tendon of the biceps, in the hip in the bursal extension beneath the psoas.

  8. The differential diagnosis is to be made from abscess, bursal cyst, enlarged glands, and sarcoma, especially pulsating sarcoma of one of the bones entering into the knee joint.

  9. The bursal tumours were almost entirely composed of urate of soda.

  10. In the majority the condition is chronic, and the chief feature is the gradual accumulation of fluid constituting the bursal hydrops or hygroma.

  11. Synovial membranes are divided into three classes, known as articular, bursal and vaginal.

  12. Bursal synovial membranes are sacs interposed between the surfaces which move upon each other, producing friction, as in the gliding of a tendon or of the integument over projecting bony surfaces.

  13. As Jack Bursal says, what's money for, if it e'nt to make a figure?

  14. If Bursal takes it into his head not to lend me the money to pay for my captain's dress, what will become of me?

  15. So your friend Mr. Talbot could not afford to bespeak a dress--(Bursal and Wheeler laugh insolently).

  16. Keep them for Bursal or Lord John, or some of those who like them.

  17. Not if she could help it; but there's no beds, since Mr. Bursal and Miss Bursal's come.

  18. But do you know that Mr. Bursal loses fifty thousand pounds, it is said, by the Airly Castle?

  19. Bursal counts money, in an ostentatious manner, into Finsbury's hand.

  20. Miss Bursal is much to be pitied; for the loss of wealth will be the loss of happiness to her.

  21. However, I found he comforted himself afterwards with a bottle of Burgundy; but poor Miss Bursal has been in hysterics ever since.

  22. Directly that portion of the bursal membrane covering the cartilage is the subject of inflammatory change, the cartilage itself, by reason of its low vitality, soon suffers.

  23. The disease has then progressed until destruction of the secreting layer of the bursal membrane has been seriously interfered with, and in this case we find a distinct deficiency in the quantity of synovia in the bursa.

  24. Upon the internal surface of the bursal membrane is first noticed a slight inflammatory hyperæmia, accompanied by more or less swelling and tumefaction, owing to its infiltration with inflammatory exudate.

  25. The treatment of bursal enlargements is surgical.

  26. If the distended sheath, or bursal enlargement, is caused by a direct injury or strain, cold bandages should be applied and the part given as complete rest as possible.

  27. But never fear: you'll please Bursal sooner than I shall.

  28. However, I found he comforted himself afterwards with a bottle of Burgundy: but poor Miss Bursal has been in hysterics ever since.

  29. But do you know that Mr. Bursal loses fifty thousand pounds, it is said, by the Airly Castle!

  30. So your friend Mr. Talbot could not afford to bespeak a dress-- (Bursal and Wheeler laugh insolently.

  31. Sure, there's Wheeler, and Bursal along with him, canvassing out yonder at a terrible fine rate.

  32. As Jack Bursal says, what's money for, if it e'nt to make a figure.

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bursal" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.