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Example sentences for "bursa"

Lexicographically close words:
burrowers; burrowing; burrows; burrs; burs; bursae; bursal; bursar; bursaries; bursary
  1. An inflammatory swelling of the bursa over the metatorsophalangeal joint of the great toe.

  2. The most marked feature in chronic bursitis is the distension of the sac with fluid, and in some cases the walls of the sac become so thickened that the bursa is converted into a solid tumor.

  3. The entire head of the metatarsal is amputated, and the bursa is turned in over the cut end of bone, to diminish the amount of shortening and to prevent ankylosis of the joint.

  4. The inner border of the foot is shortened, and in neglected cases the patient walks on the outer side of the cuboid, under which a bursa is formed.

  5. This latter consideration, however, is an unnecessary one, for in operations within this joint, ankylosis does not occur when the synovial surface of the phalanx is left undisturbed, even when the bursa is not employed as an intervening pad.

  6. Gumma of the prepatellar bursa is very common, and should be suspected in every case of suppuration of this bursa without assignable cause.

  7. This is the only treatment which is likely to be of use in cases where the bursa is very thick or is converted into a solid tumor.

  8. Hernial protrusion of a portion of a bursa is sometimes seen after injuries of bursae.

  9. The bursa over the metatarsophalangeal articulation in these cases is nearly always inflamed, and consists of a mere fibrous pad.

  10. If, however, the pain and swelling due to effusion continue, and there is evidence of suppuration, the bursa should be freely opened and irrigated, and subsequently packed with sterilized or iodoform gauze.

  11. It will be remembered, however, that in the early stages of navicular disease contraction is absent, and that it is only when the disease in the bursa is of long standing that contraction comes on.

  12. On the other hand, it may be argued that equal risk to the patient is run in allowing him to remain with a disease (and that disease a progressive one) of the structures so closely antiguous to the navicular bursa and the pedal articulation.

  13. The greater work given to the diseased bursa and bone, and the return of the contracted heels to the normal, brought about by the greater freedom with which the foot is used, are claimed by many to effect a cure.

  14. In this manner the pressure of the perforans tendon upon the bursa is greatly increased, and the animal is caused to show symptoms of distress.

  15. The tissues of the bone and bursa are insufficiently nourished, and the secretion of synovia lessened.

  16. In advanced cases it is even found that the bursa is absolutely dry.

  17. Although not a joint in the strict sense of the word, we, nevertheless, intend here to consider the navicular bursa as such.

  18. Should this be found at all necrotic, it may be taken that purulent inflammation of the navicular bursa and of the navicular bone itself exists.

  19. The navicular bone and bursa and the tendon of the perforans also suffer from the effects of compression.

  20. These parasites closely resemble the strongyloid Sclerostomata, but the absence of a true bursa seems to justify their separation into a distinct family.

  21. The small Shepherd's Purse (Bursa Capsella Pastoris) is one of the most common of wayside English weeds.

  22. Bunions consist originally of an enlargement of a bursa over the proximal end and the inner side of the big toe in order to protect the bone and joint from friction.

  23. The bursa Fabricii first appears on the seventh day (in the chick), as a dorsal outgrowth of the proctodaeum.

  24. The proctodaeum gives rise to the bursa Fabricii, as well as to the anus.

  25. In this bursa the spermatozoa long (three months) retain their vitality in some Salamanders.

  26. In Birds the formation of the proctodaeum is somewhat more complicated than in other types, owing to the outgrowth from it of the bursa Fabricii.

  27. The hypoblastic section of the cloaca of birds, which receives the openings of the urinogenital ducts, is permanently marked off by a fold from the epiblastic section or true proctodaeum, with which the bursa Fabricii communicates.

  28. From this, it will at once be understood, why the bursa over the patella should be the one most commonly affected.

  29. After the matter has been evacuated, the cavity gradually contracts, and ultimately the bursa is completely obliterated.

  30. Inflammation of the bursa often follows bruises and lacerated wounds, and is apt to extend to the forearm and arm; causing extensive and deep effusion, great tension of the parts, and severe constitutional disturbance.

  31. Bunion is a good example of such a bursa thickened from long-continued pressure.

  32. Tumours, solid or nearly so, arising from diseased bursa of long standing, may sometimes require to be so treated.

  33. The Bursa over the Olecranon Process is liable to enlargement, by gradual accumulation of the secretion, in consequence of habitual pressure on the elbow.

  34. About this place I first met with Thlaspi bursa pastoris, Malva rotundifolia also occurs, Ligustrum, Adhatoda!

  35. The scholar's aim was to find some school, having attached to it a Bursa or hostel, in which they could obtain quarters; apparently he was not yet qualified for a university.

  36. From Damascus, in company with Hoyarbarach, and I am going to Bursa to meet one of my brothers.

  37. Bursa was also the residence of Camurat, bashaw, or, as we should say, governor or lieutenant of Turkey.

  38. It was at Bursa that I ate, for the first time, caviare and olive oil.

  39. It is at Bursa that the Turkish sultans are buried.

  40. Rheumatic inflammation, bad shoeing and punctured wounds in the region of the bursa many cause it.

  41. Capped elbow is an inflammation of the bursa at the posterior surface of the elbow (Fig.

  42. The swellings may be due to an injury to the skin and the subcutaneous tissue, or more important structures may be involved, as the subcutaneous bursa, the tendon, or the synovial bursa or sack.

  43. The growth of parasitic fungi will produce a similar result, as is often seen in the common shepherd's purse, Thlaspi bursa pastoris, and other Cruciferæ.

  44. Forbes, "On the Bursa Fabricii in Birds," P.

  45. It lodges the copulatory organ, and on its dorsal wall lies the bursa Fabricii, an organ peculiar to birds.

  46. It may originate as an inflammation of the olecranon bursa, or may invade the bursa secondarily.

  47. A bursa is a closed sac lined by endothelium and containing synovia.

  48. The bursa is also liable to infective conditions, such as acute rheumatism, gonorrhœa, suppuration, or tubercle.

  49. The soft parts of the heel are turned forwards as a flap, the bursa is dissected out, and the projection of bone, if present, is removed.

  50. The bursa that is sometimes met with on the under aspect of the calcaneus--the subcalcanean bursa--when inflamed, gives rise to pain and tenderness in the sole of the foot.

  51. Hydrops of Prepatellar Bursa in a housemaid.

  52. The bursa underneath the tendon of the subscapularis muscle when inflamed causes alteration in the attitude of the shoulder and impairment of its movements.

  53. Of the countless housemaids in whom the prepatellar bursa is subjected to friction and pressure, only a small proportion become the subjects of housemaid's knee.

  54. The bursa between the psoas muscle and the capsule of the hip-joint may be the seat of tuberculous disease, and give rise to clinical features not unlike those of disease of the hip-joint.

  55. If a cold abscess forms in the bursa underneath the deltoid, the pus may burrow and appear at the anterior or posterior boundary of the axilla or in the axillary space.

  56. Both the corn and the bursa are subject to attacks of inflammation, which cause suffering and disability in walking.

  57. Swelling is rarely a prominent feature, except when there is a collection of synovial fluid or of pus in the bursa beneath the deltoid.

  58. The large bursa between the quadriceps muscle and the femur (sub-crural bursa) generally communicates with the cavity of the joint.

  59. While the organisms usually gain access to the tissues of the joint through the blood stream, a direct infection is occasionally observed from suppuration in the femoral lymph glands or in the bursa under the ilio-psoas.

  60. In women, the chief complaint may be of the disfigurement of the boot; in others, of pain and disability resulting from the sensitiveness of the joint and of the enlarged bursa over the head of the first metatarsal.

  61. The knee-joint is filled with blood and synovia, which usually extend into the bursa under the quadriceps.

  62. The skin over the head of the first phalanx being pressed upon by the boot usually presents a corn, under which a bursa forms (Fig.

  63. The Styptysate label bears the synonym “Dialysate Herba Bursa Pastoris”; the statement that it contains “alcohol 11 per cent.

  64. New York, is “obtained by dialysis from Bursa Pastoris (Sheppard’s [sic!

  65. By careful palpation one may readily distinguish between a hygromatous condition of the superficial bursa and involvement of the underlying structures.

  66. Swelling of the tissues contiguous to the bursa is present and pain is evinced upon manipulation of the parts.

  67. Hughes and Merillat consider curb as a synovitis having for its seat the synovial bursa which is situated between the superficial flexor tendon (perforatus) and the plantar ligament.

  68. It is only in structures such as the bursa intertubercularis or in the sheath of the deep digital flexor that an inflammation causes much pain and is apt to result in permanent lameness.

  69. Usually there occurs a hygromatous involvement of the subcutaneous bursa due to contusion.

  70. An acute inflammation of a small bursa may even result in the destruction of such synovial apparatus without serious inconvenience to the subject, either at the time of destruction or thereafter.

  71. In some instances lameness is mixed as in joint ailments, involvement of the bicipital bursa (bursa intertubercularis), etc.

  72. Chronic inflammation of the bicipital bursa is occasionally met with wherein both members are affected.

  73. Distension of the bursa over the summit of the os calcis.

  74. Because of the exposed position of the bicipital bursa (bursa-intertubercularis) it is occasionally injured.

  75. This synovial bursa forms a smooth groove through which the biceps brachii glides in the anterior scapulohumeral region.

  76. A synovial bursa is situated underneath the tendinous attachment of the posterior portion of the triceps brachii--the long head or caput magnum.

  77. In the Micropterygidae, Enocraniidae and the lower Tineides, the duct of the bursa leads into the vagina, which still opens on the eighth sternum.

  78. There is a special bursa which in the Hepialidae opens with the vagina on the eighth abdominal sternum.

  79. By pressing back the liquid it contains, this bursa may be clearly seen.

  80. Footnote: A bursa is a small sack containing a lubricating fluid to prevent friction where tendons play over hard surfaces.

  81. Myxinoiden) holds that the so-called bursa entiana of Elasmobranchii (i.

  82. Schematic sagittal section of the ventral and dorsal mesogastria and epiploic bursa in a human embryo of eight weeks.

  83. Later adhesions between the peritoneal surfaces lining the interior of the bursa limit this extension.

  84. This cavity is in fact primarily the retrogastric space created by the transverse position of the stomach, augmented by the cavity of the omental bursa developed from the dorsal mesogastrium.

  85. Schematic ventral view of stomach, duodenum, and dorsal mesogastrium, after rotation of stomach and extension of omental bursa caudad beyond greater curvature of stomach.

  86. The further growth of the pancreas carries the developing gland from the district of the mesoduodenum into that portion of the dorsal mesogastrium which now forms the dorsal wall of the omental bursa (Fig.

  87. Schematic profile view of primitive mesenteries with formation of omental bursa and developing spleen and pancreas.

  88. The cavity of the omental bursa is usually obliterated in the adult caudad of the level of the transverse colon, by adhesion of the apposed surfaces of the two intermediate omental layers.

  89. Schematic view of primitive mesentery after intestinal rotation and incipient formation of omental bursa from dorsal mesogastrium.

  90. We have seen that the great omentum and the cavity of the omental bursa is produced by the extension of the dorsal mesogastrium to the left and caudad, subsequent to the rotation of the stomach.

  91. Adhesion of opposed walls of omental bursa leading to obliteration of distal portion of pouch and producing "gastro-colic" ligament of adult human subject.

  92. Munatius Plancus Bursa was a tribune in B.

  93. Bursa was tried for his share in this matter and convicted, to the great joy of Cicero, who was his accuser.

  94. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bursa" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.