They nest in the most impenetrable parts of swamps, building their nests of rushes, grass and weeds, in tangled masses of vines a few feet above the ground or water.
They nest in heavily wooded districts, building their nests of sticks, chiefly in pine trees.
They are fairly abundant in their restricted localities, building their nests in swamps about ponds and streams.
They breed locally in many parts of the country, building their nests of grass and weeds, neatly lined with feathers, on the ground in marshes.
They nest in barns, sheds or in any buildings where they are not likely to be disturbed, building their nests of mud on the rafters or beams near the roof, and lining it with feathers.
How many birds appear to have taken advantage of the protection afforded by man in building their nests!
They often use strings, to be sure, in building their nests, but they use them in a sort of haphazard way, weaving them awkwardly into the structure, and leaving no loose ends that would suffer by fraying in the wind.
Birds sometimes make the mistake of building their nests on slender branches that a summer tempest will turn over, thus causing the eggs or the young to spill upon the ground.
Birds show the taste and skill of their kind in building their nests, but rarely any individual ingenuity and inventiveness.
They inhabit the mountain forests of Europe and Asia, building their nests in the trunks of trees, to which they are capable of clinging, but not of climbing.
Who does not admire the exquisite contrivance of birds in building their nests?
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "building their" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.