In early times the buboes were often incised, or even excised, as soon as they began to swell.
The plague in typical cases is a febrile malady of the most acute kind, with localizations in the form of buboes or carbuncles.
During the course of this stage buboes begin to make their appearance.
The time of the appearance of the buboesvaries greatly.
Even where no buboes appeared on the surface of the body the glands were enlarged to twice their usual size or more.
Where no buboes existed the glands of the various cavities of the body showed evidences of acute inflammatory processes.
Many cases had buboes both in the groins and the armpits.
Two points in the symptoms are noteworthy: first the occurrence of suppurating buboes of the groins and armpits in several; and, secondly, the frequency of round worms.
It is said to be attended with inflammation, with the greatest arterial debility, and to be very contagious, attended at an uncertain time of the fever with buboes and carbuncles.
Which may account for the venereal matter from buboes not giving the infection, according to the experiments of the late Mr. Hunter, and for some other phenomena of contagion.
Some of the survivors had passed through an attack of the plague, among them the rector's man, whose buboes suppurated.
In one of the earlier London plagues, that of 1563, Jones saw a case of a woman near Temple Bar that ended fatally at the third attack, the buboes having suppurated twice, but not at the third time.
If certain cases of the prevailing fever in the beginning of the year developed buboes which suppurated (as in the case treated by Hodges at Christmas, 1664), should they be called plague or fever?
He was quickly seized with violent sickness, became delirious, developed buboes in his neck and groin, a plague-token on his breast the third day, and died in a wretched state on September 6.
One line suggests the great size that the plague-buboes sometimes reached: "Here swells a botch as high as hide can hold.
This explains Dekker's statement in 1603 that some had buboes repeatedly, and that one person had eighteen sores.
At length buboesappeared in many, as in the plague.
Vincent says that he would meet "many with sores and limping in the streets," (from the suppurating buboes in the groins).
Buboes are to be treated in the same way as any other inflammatory swellings; local means being taken at the commencement to subdue the inflammatory action, and resolve the swelling.
Buboes thus caused are situated in the upper cluster of inguinal glands; if the lower cluster is affected, it is to be presumed that the cause is not in the organs of generation, but in some part of the inferior extremity.
About the same Time that these Buboes appeared, severals towards the Decline of this Fever complained of a Pain all along the Spermatic Chord; and soon after a Swelling of the Testicle appeared[22].
In a few Days afterwards, two Soldiers in other Hospitals, towards the Decline of very bad Petechial Fevers, had likewise Buboes formed in the Groin, without any Suspicion of a venereal Taint.
This Symptom of Buboes is taken Notice of by Authors, but does not seem to be so frequent as many of them would make us believe.
In February 1761, three Patients in the Decline of this Fever had Buboes formed in the Groin, which proved critical.
Abscesses of the lungs were frequently met with, and cervical or axillary buboes are not uncommon in Manila rats.
From the buboes were badly contaminated with Bacillus coli and Bacillus pyocyaneus colonies.
Hard inguinal buboes of secondary order persisted in patient 19 at the time of second examination.
From the buboes showed degenerated leucocytes, many lymphocytes, and numerous bacteria, some of which resembled Bacillus pestis in their polar staining.
Only one of the guinea-pigs showed an exception, in that the primary buboes were located in the inguinal region, with pelvic and axillary glands secondarily involved.
All except one showed primary buboes on the neck with more or less extensive hemorrhagic oedema extending in some cases over the thorax.
According to the Austrian Commission, cats develop submaxillary buboes if fed on plague material.
It appears that buboes and inflammatory boils did not at first appear, but the disease in the form of carbuncular affection of the lungs (anthrax artigen) caused the fatal issue before the other symptoms developed.
Johnson mentions a boy of seven with severe gonorrhea complicated with buboes which he had contracted from a servant girl with whom he slept.
Later on in the history of the plague the inflammatory boils and buboes in the groins and axillae were recognized at once as prognosticating a fatal issue.
Many Buboes at a Time infallibly demonstrated the Aggravation, and Dispersion of the virulent Taint; and on the contrary, but few shewed the Poison to be not so prevalent, more contracted, and brought to a narrower Compass for Expulsion.
WHEN Buboes went in again without due Evacuation, and while bad Symptoms continued, Matters were generally doubtful, and for the most Part very dangerous.
THE moreBuboes there are, so that they suppurate, the better.
THE London Physicians at this Time spared no Trouble nor Application, to manage the Buboes rightly; some of the Cataplasms therefore by them daily used I shall here insert.
She at last was seized with the Contagion, and pestilential Buboes rose upon the strumous Glands, which suppurated, and let out a great Quantity of Filth; and upon her Recovery from thence, her former Distemper was quite lost.
The description which then follows of the buboes and of the disease is an exact counterpart of the present plague.
Buboes are characteristic, it is true, of the plague, but it should be remembered that outbreaks of the pneumonic form, with little or no glandular enlargement are not uncommon.
When the carbuncles or buboes appeared to 186 have a blackish rim round their base, the case of that patient was desperate, and invariably fatal.
Neither those large purple spots, which we have before described, nor carbuncles, were by any means so frequent as they had been; buboes were now almost the only tumours found upon the infected.
The buboes and carbuncles generally come out on the second or third day, seldom on the fourth.
The buboes increased gradually, insomuch that in the space of a few days they were as large as walnuts; they continued in this state, without any signs of suppuration.
They are so common in the beginning of the plague, that scarcely any one dies without them; though buboes and carbuncles are not observable.
In general, when the buboes suppurate well, and there is a separation of the eschars from the carbuncles, accompanied with an abatement of the other symptoms, a favourable prognostic may be given.
Some died suddenly, or in the space of twenty-four hours, before the buboes and carbuncles had time to come out; but the greatest number died on the third or fourth day.
At this time buboes and carbuncles were more frequent than they had been in July.
After they had taken the decoction of Peruvian bark, mixed with the extract, they got better; the buboes ripened and yielded a good pus.
The husband, also, died soon after, having buboes and carbuncles; and many other persons caught the infection, which proved fatal to more than twenty of them.
It is not till the year 1360 that we find buboes mentioned as occurring in the neck, in the axillae, and in the groins, which are stated to have broken out when the spitting of blood had continued some time.
The inflammatory boils and buboes in the groins and axillae were recognised at once as prognosticating a fatal issue, and those were past all hope of recovery in whom they arose in numbers all over the body.
The ulcers from buboes partake of the same character, the edges being hard and the ulcer disposed to burrow.
If buboes accompany it, they are mostly of an indolent nature.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "buboes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.