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Example sentences for "bucaniers"

Lexicographically close words:
bubbly; bubo; buboes; bubonic; bucanier; buccal; buccaneer; buccaneering; buccaneers; buccra
  1. Moreover, the old Bucaniers found this tortoise in greater numbers even than at present: Wood and Rogers also, in 1708, say that it is the opinion of the Spaniards that it is found nowhere else in this quarter of the world.

  2. Among the great bucaniers of the seventeenth century were Captains Coxon, Harris, Bournano, Sawkins, and Sharp, of the exploits of only one or two of whom we shall have space to speak.

  3. The two hundred bucaniers who went before, each putting one knee to the ground, began the battle briskly with a full volley of shot; the Spaniards defended themselves courageously, doing all they could to disorder the enemy.

  4. While Morgan was in England he brought an action for libel against William Crooke, the publisher of the "History of the Bucaniers of America.

  5. One, "The Bucaniers of America, or a True Account of the Most Remarkable Assaults Committed of Late Years upon the Coasts of the West Indies," etc.

  6. A year later he published an account of his voyage, as a second volume to Esquemeling's, "Bucaniers of America.

  7. The said bucaniers are very cruel and tyrannical to their servants, so that commonly they had rather be galley-slaves, or saw Brazil wood in the rasphouses of Holland, than serve such barbarous masters.

  8. I know some persons have objected against the greatness of these prodigious Adventures, intimating that the resistance our Bucaniers found in America, was everywhere but small.

  9. When the bucaniers go into the woods to hunt for wild bulls and cows, they commonly remain there a twelvemonth or two years, without returning home.

  10. There were tales, too, that she favoured the bucaniers who swarmed the coasts, and that their success was owing to the heavy bribes of gold they gave her for prosperous cruises.

  11. West Indies, by the Bucaniers of Jamaica and Tortuga .

  12. The English translation is entitled: Bucaniers of America; or a true account of the .

  13. Moreover, the old Bucaniers found this tortoise in greater numbers even than at present: Wood and Rogers also, in 1708, say that it is the opinion of the Spaniards, that it is found nowhere else in this quarter of the world.

  14. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bucaniers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.