Make myrthe bothe more and les, And love oure lord we may, That has broght us fro bytternes In blys to abyde for ay.
Mahounde toke his soule to him Estragot, whose soul And broght it to his blis.
That were at Rome I-wonnen̄ And broghtinto this halle.
The fire was made, the goddes were broght To have be caste the[rh]-inne.
When erth apon erth ys broght w{ith}yn the brynke, Then schall erth apon erth have a fowll stynke.
I spake not with my moder syn Rychard Calle broght me the letter from you tochyng her mater, for I myght have no lesor.
But the Tono of Faccata will not let her goe for Firando, but discharg and sell her goodes there.
Adames sonne Isack, and 1 from Sobioye Dono, secretary to Gentero Dono.
Another name of Figen a Sama, King of Firando, ii.
Addames brother in law at Edo, arived heare this day, and brought the goshon of Capt.
Adames, 2 to Mr. Nealson, and 1 to our host of Miaco, Magazemon Dono.
Soe betyme in the mornyng we departed from Cusattes; and paid out to the howse, for expenses, 4 ta.
Our fleet of 8 shipps, English and Duch, went to sea this morning on their second voyage for Manillias.
But whether it will take effect or no, I know not, only the Emperours factor sent me word per Capt.
Adames went to Cort with our jurebasso, and it was ordayned to morow we should vizet the prince with a present, I meane themperours eldest sonne.
The Hollanders broght the junk ashore which they took from the Chinas and will trym her on a sudden (as they say) to send for Cochinchina.
And, for better proof thereof, they broght two English shipps this yeare into Japon, out of which 3 Englishmen escaped and came to our English howse for releefe.
Yochemon Dono and the gunpolder mans servant broght the theefe Mon back from Nangasaque, with iiij letters from Feze Dono and Skidayen Dono and Ichemon Dono and Paule Dono, the gunpoulder man.
Thay say that the fowntayne dyd sodenly sprynge owte of the erthe at the commaundement of our lady, & I dilygently examenynge althynges, dyd aske hym how many yeres it was sythe that howsse was so sodenly broght thyther.
Well sayd I seynge that no parte of the housse is lefte but all is new, how can yow say that this was the house whiche was broght hyther so longe agoo.
Before that chapell there was a litle howsse, which he sayd ones in wynter tyme whan that there was litle rowme to couer the reliques, that it was sodenly broght & sett in that place.
But come agayne in to ye waye, frome whens I broght the || E vi.
As oft as any old ancyent doctor other of deuynyte or of the lawe, resorted thyder, by and by he was broght to that table, some sayd that thay were lettres of Arabia, some sayd thay were faynyd lettres.
That is vncertayne, but I kno well ye mã was well broght into hys mynde ayen.
Fortune, that hath the world in governaunce, Hath sodeinly broght in so newe a chaunce, 1045 That never was ther yit so fremd a cas.
But for al that, yif I shal soothly sain, Yit hath the streem of Sitho nat y-broght From Athenes the ship; yit comth hit noght.
But unwist of her fader is she goon To Tessaly, with duk Iasoun her leef, That afterward hathbroght her to mescheef.
Which broght me to an herber fair and grene Made with benches ful crafty and clene.
That the Frenche men should be send away at a reasonable day, and that none uther should be broght in the cuntrey without consent of the haill Nobilitie and Parliament.
And whan the olde Creon gan espye How that the blood roial was broght adoun, 65 He held the cite by his tirannye, And did the gentils of that regioun To been his frendes, and dwellen in the toun.
I was wroght, And for certeyn effectes hider broght 165 By him that lordeth ech intelligence, I yaf my trewe servise and my thoght, For evermore--how dere I have hit boght!
And whan this werk al broght was to an ende, To every foule Nature yaf his make By even acorde, and on hir wey they wende.
This olde Eson broght forth was tho, Awei sche bad alle othre go 4060 Upon peril that mihte falle; And with that word thei wenten alle, And leften there hem tuo al one.
For Falssemblant hath everemo 1890 Of his conseil in compaignie The derke untrewe Ypocrisie, Whos word descordeth to his thoght: Forthi thei ben togedre broght Of o covine, of on houshold, As it schal after this be told.
And therupon was schape a weie, That he his oghne wif be nyhte Hath out of alle mennes sihte So prively that non it wiste Broght to the king, which as him liste Mai do with hire what he wolde.
This Duc a lusti dowhter hadde, And fame, which the wordes spradde, Hath broght unto this ladi Ere How that hire fader hath do there.
As God shuld say: forasmuch as thou hast abused thy former condition, and because thy free will hath broght thy selfe and mankind in to: the bondage of Satan, I therfore will bring the in bondage to man.
I am not ignorant that the subtill wittes of carnall men (which can neuer be broght vnder obedience of Goddes simple preceptes to maintein this monstruous empire) haue yet two vaine shiftes[146].
The which facilitie of the woman, did Satan abuse, and therby broght her frome the obedience of God.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "broght" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.