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Example sentences for "brewers"

Lexicographically close words:
brew; brewage; brewed; brewer; breweries; brewery; brewhouse; brewing; brewings; brewis
  1. On his return to England, he entered into an engagement with the Messrs Lane of Cork, then the most eminent brewers in the south of Ireland.

  2. Brewers and publicans alike were arrayed against it, as it would break up their monopoly.

  3. The draymen and brewers abandoned their occupations, and cried out.

  4. It is supposed that several brewers on the Continent substitute the leaves and flowers of this plant for hops, in the manufacture of beer.

  5. At that period--the golden age for the apostles of the Britannic Bacchus--the brewers rendered no account of the preparation of this beloved beverage.

  6. But in 1822 the Russian government placed a prohibitory duty on Burton ales, and the Burton brewers were forced into cultivating the home market.

  7. A misunderstanding between the East India Company and the London brewers who were the proprietors of Hodgson's India [v.

  8. The principal portion of the latter is, however, consumed by the porter brewers and brewers' druggists.

  9. Both are used by fraudulent brewers as substitutes for hops.

  10. Chemists and druggists are liable to severe penalties if they are found supplying cocculus indicus, or any extract of the same, to brewers or publicans.

  11. It is narcotic and poisonous, and is employed by fraudulent brewers and publicans to give a false strength to their liquors.

  12. Beers are classed by the brewers into-- Small beers--made from worts not exceeding the sp.

  13. In the neighbourhood of Burton there are extensive beds of new red sandstone and gypsum, by sinking wells into which the Burton brewers obtain the water from which they make their beers.

  14. Some brewers add a little wheat-flour or bean-flour (about 1/4 lb.

  15. The average gravity obtained by the common brewers from malt of current quality ranges from 80 to 81 lbs.

  16. The process now adopted by the great brewers of pale ale at Burton-on-Trent combines all the most admirable points of both the Bavarian and Scotch systems of brewing.

  17. Used by brewers to make their beer keep its head or froth.

  18. The price of beer barrels sold to ale or beer brewers or others shall be 9d.

  19. We must shut the places up, even though we ruin places like Burton-on-Trent, and compel rich brewers to sell their carriages.

  20. Nothing is so likely to pay off the National Debt as to cause publicans and brewers to enlarge the list of bankrupts.

  21. Several other brewers of Portsmouth had been guilty of the same fraud.

  22. Curious about the Brewers not turning up; suppose he's under the automobile yet?

  23. The Brewers arrived about nine o'clock to-night, and they are so delighted.

  24. Dearest Mama: We are all here together again except the Brewers and the two Tripps and Ellsworth Grimm.

  25. We passed the Brewers on our way to Mont-Saint-Michel, but they must have seen the Kingsleys and gone back.

  26. The brewers have to put it into brown bottles to preserve its poisonous qualities.

  27. And it has fought without quarter the pernicious activity of morally stunted brewers and distillers, whose hellish motto is, 'Make the boys drink!

  28. In the like manner, I saw the brewers at Amsterdam improve their dirty water, in some degree, by putting into it kneaded clay, and allowing it to sink to the bottom.

  29. The brewers and bakers and candlestick-makers are respectfully informed.

  30. For raising the price of Bitter Ale, the Brewers thereof allege, as one reason, the dearness of Hops.

  31. He spoke strongly against the monopoly of brewers and distillers.

  32. Other invaluable fortifying foods are algae of all kinds (such as chlorella and spirulina), lecithin, brewers yeast, and fresh bakers yeast.

  33. Many people have had very unpleasant experiences trying to eat living bakers yeast and so use brewers yeast instead.

  34. There's the Adelle Davis school, people eating whole grains, handfuls of vitamins, lots of dairy and brewers yeast and wheat germ, and even raw liver.

  35. But brewers yeast is cooked and the proteins it contains are not nearly as assimilable as those in raw yeast.

  36. It is now about to lay its heavy hand on the big brewers and the publicans, in order to pacify the call for a reduction of taxes, and with the hope of preventing such reduction in reality.

  37. But at that time, though brewers or brewers' sons might be admitted grudgingly to the company of gentlemen, they were not gentlemen themselves.

  38. Look at them brewers putting up maybe a quarter of a million to help Thorne out!

  39. A national officer of the brewers told me a few week ago that the rank and file in many parts of the country are clamoring to cut loose from the Federation and join the Industrialists.

  40. This union has almost from the beginning admitted to its membership not only brewers but also drivers (of brewery wagons), maltsters, engineers and firemen employed in breweries, etc.

  41. Until 1896 the Brewers were a part of the Knights of Labor.

  42. Bristol, fearing that they might be punished if the brewers of the town broke this regulation, issued stringent orders for its observance, infringement entailing the forfeiture of the offender's brewery.

  43. Such beer brewers as occur during the fifteenth century almost all bear foreign names.

  44. There were at least thirty brewers in Oxford in 1380.

  45. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "brewers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.