So saying, he took a powerful pull at a solemn tankard of home-brewed ale.
The Green Man with his Still implies a brewer; the distilling of Benedictine is still an ecclesiastical occupation, and the word brew suggests that brewing was once the peculiar privilege of the peres or priests who brewed the sacred ales.
I agreed to all this upon one condition only, which was, that there should be nothing brewed in our brewery but genuine beer and porter, made of malt and hops alone.
I brewedexcellent beer, but I lost money by every brewing.
If any one could have brewed beer from malt and hops, to have made a profit from it, I could have done it.
I went back to my fire unaccountably relieved, and brewed myself another and a stronger brew.
I read my newspaper and brewed myself some hot strong drink, but there comes a time of night when no fire can warm and no drink can cheer.
Brewed in a tea, mint was used both for a drink and, as a medicine, to induce mild perspiration and so bring down fever.
Willie brewed a Peck o' Maut was soon followed by another bacchanalian effusion, the ballad called The Whistle.
However, there are now on the market several coffee-extract powders which dissolve readily in water, giving quite a fair approximation of freshly brewed coffee.
The iron bar was set in a zinc or tin jacket to keep such fireplace ashes as still clung to it from coming in contact with the coffee, which was probably brewed in a stew kettle before being poured into the urn for serving.
The chemical analysis of brewed coffee shows the following: Coffee Tannin Comparative per Cup Proportions Percolator method,[379] fine gran.
The work done by the committee included "the first chemical analysis of brewed coffee on record", a study of grindings, and a comparison of the results of four brewing methods.
In Paris and Vienna, one may find it brewed and served in its highest perfection; but here too it is frequently found as badly done as in England, and that is saying a good deal.
Brewed by the very simple correct methods, it is an unfailingly clear, fragrant, taste-charming beverage, universally loved and scientifically approved.
When the brewedliquid is left on the fire or overheated this flavor is cooked away and the whole character of the beverage is changed.
Brewed coffee, once injured by cooling, cannot be restored by reheating.
After the coffee is brewed the true coffee flavor, now extracted from the bean, should be guarded carefully.
Boiling milk is poured into the cup from a pot held in one hand together with the brewed coffee from a pot held in the other, providing a simultaneous mixture.
One seldom, if ever, finds coffee improperly brewedin France--it is never boiled.
They drink kisher, a beverage brewed from the husks of the berry and not from the bean.
It may be remarked that the beer brewed in Bavaria is generally of darker colour than that produced in other states, and extra strong brews are exported largely into the beer excise district and abroad.
They brewed it and they drank it, And lay in a blessed swound For days and days together In the dwellings underground.
From the bonny bells of heather They brewed a drink long-syne, Was sweeter far than honey, Was stronger far than wine.
The broth for the feast was brewed in a kettle held over the fire by a tripod, like that which supported the seat of Apollo's priestess at Delphi.
Ale was brewed at church from malt brought collectively by the people.
Beware, beware the words Brewed in the moonshine under ancient oaks White with pale banners of the mistletoe Twined round them in their slow and stately death.
Chesterton, was sipping a cup of tea, expertly brewed by Mrs. Chesterton when a reporter yesterday entered his room at the Blackstone [in Chicago].
The groaning malt mentioned in the text was the ale brewed for the purpose of being drunk after the lady or goodwife's safe delivery.
There's some good home-brewed beer--or a sup of whiskey.
People were quite apt to have what was called a run of fever in the autumn at the change of the seasons, and there were some excellent home-brewed remedies and tonics that answered, if the case was not too severe.
These worts and beers were brewed upon the German system, but analogous results would undoubtedly be obtained with beers brewed from the like materials on the English system.
Hanamann, some time since made a series of analyses of beers brewed partly from raw grain, and his results completely controvert the theory that raw grain beers essentially differ in composition from malt beers.
But he was a very clever man, was Robert Evans, Court, and brewed good beer," my companion answered.
His home-brewed was known, I am certain, for more than ten miles.
This morning, as on many mornings of late, the subject of the boy and girl at Chilton had been discussed with the Knight's tankard of home-brewed and his daughter's chocolate.
It ought to be very good,” said the old woman, “for I brewed it myself.
The goodness of ale,” said I, “does not so much depend on who brews it as on what it is brewed of.
Oh,” said I, “if you brewed it, it must of course be good.
As for the ale it was brewed in this house by your honour’s humble servant.
But our host stirred the fire, put on a fresh log, and filled himself up a glass of his own home brewed ale.
That last glass of your home-brewed ale, by way of a night cap was most effectual," jeered another.
She it is that has cut the thick stale sandwiches, bottled the bitter beer, brewed the unpalatable coffee.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "brewed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.