Not a single tendril of ivy decorates the massive walls of the structure, and but a sprinkling of shrubs and light branchy trees fringe the high parapets, or shade the broken fragments beneath.
The three kneeling in the mire, watching through triangular spaces between the branchy leaves, grew suddenly, amazingly calm.
The stem is very branchy but grows only a few inches high; the ends of the branches turn upward and terminate in clusters of flowers varying from crimson pink to white.
The slender stem is quite branchy and averages about a foot in height, though it occasionally attains heights of 2 feet.
His temples girded with a branchy crown, “Whence grapes hang dangling, stands the god, and shakes “A spear entwisted with the curling vine.
This is not an exceptional feat with this variety, the plants of which are very branchyand often exceed a yard in diameter.
Ben himself was crushed to earth as beneath a meteor, the branchy trunk shattering down upon his stalwart form like the jaws of a great trap.
The shrub snapped off under the blow, and its branchyend smote the wolf across the head and neck.
Two hundred yards at right angles from where Charlie had stood giving signals she found a little group under a branchy cedar.
They walked slowly along the broad roadway which bordered the lake until they came to a branchy maple, and here they seated themselves on the grassy turf in the shadow of the tree.
Under a branchy alder at the cook-house-end she piled all the pillows she could commandeer in their quarters and curled herself upon them at grateful ease.
And soft the snow-white fleece enfolds thee; In airy bower I'll watch thy sleeping, Where branchy trees to the breeze are sweeping.
Shall flee at the magic koelshie's numbers; In airy bower I'll watch thy sleeping, Where branchy trees to the breeze are sweeping.
It bore here and there a massive tree, rough-barked pillars rising to a branchy head two hundred feet in the air.
The seed trees left on the felling areas grew into undesirable and branchy “wolves,” injuring the aftergrowth, or else were thrown by the wind or died, and many of the areas became undesirable brush.
The fat earth feed thy branchy root, That under deeply strikes!
I leave the plain, I climb the height; No branchy thicket shelter yields; But blessed forms in whistling storms Fly o'er waste fens and windy fields.
He dropped his unwieldy musket, and clambered into a blackened and branchy hackmatack, so small that he feared the rush of the bull might break it down.
The brush which had been thrust across the break was now removed and relaid longitudinally, branchy ends down stream.
Then a large female beaver glided up the stream, bearing in her mouth the fine, branchy bough of a tree, which she must have gone some miles to get.
Hehaka, the monarch, was dressed in his finest coat and had but lately rubbed the velvet from his huge and branchy antlers.
Voice of the wind against the branchy wood Upon the deep blue sky; Most musical the ceaseless waterfall, The swan's shrill cry.
As he turned, the toe of one snow-shoe caught on a branchy stub, just below the surface of the snow.
Suppose now we put up the strings for the morning-glories and beans to climb on, and some nice branchy twigs for the pease, then water them well and leave them for a few days and see what happens.
High was hisbranchy head; and fleet his feet of wind.
Often on their green earthen tombs the branchy sons of the mountain feed, when mid-day is all in flames, and silence is over all the hills.
Outside, the rain streams down with a continuous quiet noise; the dappled deer are herding their branchy heads together under the old leafless hornbeams for shelter.
But when they clasp the elms with sturdy trunks Erect, then strip the leaves off, prune the boughs; Sooner they shrink from steel, but then put forth The arm of power, and stem the branchy tide.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "branchy" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: branching; foliated; leafy; leaved; twiggy