The letters are brought us each morning by a tramp with a game leg who secretes his Majesty's Mails in a shabby bowler hat, the small packages and parcels going to the roomy tail pocket of a dirty morning coat.
On rising to go, one of the two hilarious youths removed my cap and playfully placed it on top of the bowler which his friend was wearing.
After five balls, a man who has been standing by the bowler with his coat on, and seeming to take no interest in the game, turns his back on the bowler and batsman, and strolls off as if tired of looking on.
The meaning of these cries arising from the spectators is that the new bowler has sent the middle stump of one of the batsmen flying, and our friend retires to the tent, where he is greeted with some little applause by his comrade.
Two batsmen go to the wickets, one at each end; and the first bowler delivers a ball to the batsman opposite to him, while the fielders take their positions at a greater or less distance from the wicket.
I heard that when I was a little boy about some bowler whose name, I think, was Jackson.
Woodcock was bowling, and he had the name of being the fastest bowler of England at that time.
In morning clothes, which consisted in his case of a blue serge suit that needed brushing and a bowler hat of extinct shape, he seemed to me, if possible, a little more objectionable than I had found him the previous night.
Mr. Moss was still wearing his hat, which was a black bowler with a small brim, set at a jaunty angle a little on one side and affording a liberal view of his black curls underneath.
Take the bowler off your head and don't put her on the harimonium.
The fellow was a huge stupid oaf, low down in the middle fourth, but the bestbowler that the school had; yes, he hated him.
Soon his bowler hat was flung wildly on to the rack and he was leaning out of the window, screaming: "Cocker!
He sat down on a seat, at the other end of which was a little man with a bowler hat, spectacles and his coat collar turned up.
Meanwhile he had put on his best, had blackened his shoes until they shone like little mirrors, had brushed his bowler hat again and again and looked finally like a sailor on shore for a holiday.
There he stood, standing back a little from the shock, his bowler hat knocked to one side of his head, a deprecating, apologetic smile on his dear fat face!
If instead of wearing a cravat and a bowler hat, we wore feathers and a ring in our nose, all our moral notions would change.
I don't believe old Bowler knew he had let the cat out.
On the way I stopped at Bowler's Tavern to see his man about that filly we were talking of, and I had a glass with old Bowler himself.
All Mawne and Halesby on the touchline waved blackbowler hats under the flag of Mawne United languidly flying from its staff beside the Royal Oak.
John Fellows carried a bottle of draught beer in each pocket of his coat and a red pocket-handkerchief escaped from under the brim of his bowler hat.
Who cares a button for our national ideas, any more than for our national bowler hat?
An aged man, who looked dyspeptic and morose, staggered out of the lodge and asked Martin's name: then he summoned a brisk underling, immaculately dressed in a bowler hat and dark blue suit.
Martin, looking uncouthly smart in a new overcoat (with a strap behind) and a bowler hat, stood rather nervously by the door.
Then I heard the bowler appeal to the umpire, and to my horror I heard the umpire (their umpire) say "Out.
I had assisted the man to steal our clock, helping him to lift it off its perch and handing him hisbowler hat as he left.
Presently thebowler offered me a full pitch on the leg side.
Later a warm discussion arose between the batsman and the bowler as to whether the former could be out, if "centre" had not been given to him properly.
The Sportsman spoke of our fast bowler and captain as the "Coming Man.
The bowler having exerted himself twenty-nine times, was a little tired and erratic, and the thirtieth ball hit Square-leg in the stomach.
He was well dressed in a lounge suit and black bowler hat, but, to the valet's surprise and dismay, wore a mask over his face.
Not even the comparatively humble bowler is particularly acceptable in Limehouse.
But then the eleven is not a fluid body like the Sixth; it is a close corporation, and once the reputation of being the best slow left-hand bowler is lost, the chance of a ribboned coat grows distant.
They would be extremely annoyed with the school slow bowler for his lack of tact.
At school a slow left-hand bowler takes eight wickets for twenty-seven in a house match.
The fast bowler who is asked to captain the side next year, the exhibitioner who hopes that another year's work will win him a scholarship at Balliol.
At present he is outside it, as he stands at the edge of the courts, forlorn in his black tie and wide brimmed straw hat, while the stream of boys in bowler hats and gaily coloured ties pours up from the station.
I can still hear the voice of the school fast-bowler shouting over the banisters to a wretched goggle-eyed youth, 'No.
Before him hung a row of ragged clothes and a number of bowler hats.
He shook the frightened man until Brisley's broad-brimmed bowler was shaken off, revealing the receding brow and scanty neutral-colored hair.
Then, tilting his bowler further forward, he thrust his hands into his reefer pockets, and stood staring toward the door, beyond which lay the room of the murder, in darkness.
His bowler fell off and rolled across the dirty floor.
To his indoor attire he had added a pea-jacket and a bowler hat; and the oddly assorted trio set off westward, following the bank of the Thames in the direction of Limehouse Basin.
Opening a cupboard door, Kilfane revealed a number of pendent, ragged garments, and two more bowler hats.
Kerry stood listening for some moments, then, directing a furious kick upon thebowler which lay at his feet, he snapped off the light of the torch and pursued his way.
It was crowned by a wide-brimmed bowler hat which the man wore pressed down upon his ears like a Jew pedlar.
Chief Inspector Kerry wore a very narrow-brimmed bowler hat, having two ventilation holes conspicuously placed immediately above the band.
Constable Bryce was seated on a corner of the table, looking curiously awkward in his tweed overcoat and bowler hat, which garments quite failed to disguise the policeman.
His black bowler hat, with a pair of heavy dogskin gloves, neatly folded, lay on the table.
At that moment a man wearing a black bowler hat and a heavy frieze overcoat came hurrying out of the hotel.
Mr. Manderton slapped his bowler hat briskly on a side table and with a little bow to Mary walked to the desk.
There were several other new boys, doubtless, to be found among this unending stream of bowler hats.
Once, just as the bowler was rushing up to bowl, Lovelace flung out his hand and said: "Stop!
He raised his black bowler hat in acknowledgment of the greetings which assailed him from all sides and sank slowly into a chair.
He wore a black satin tie folded over and secured by a pearl pin, a bowler hat carried now in his hand, and grey suede gloves.
Pledge has bowled four maidens running," said Heathcote, determined that no one should blame the bowler he had assisted to train.
On the further side of the fireplace was a washhand-stand, with a tin pail below it, and the Major's bowler hat reposing in the basin.
The Major put his bowlerhat carefully upon the table.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bowler" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.