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Example sentences for "bladed"

Lexicographically close words:
blackthorn; bladder; bladders; bladdery; blade; blades; blaen; blah; blains; blak
  1. A flat-bladed forceps, like those of Adams, may be used.

  2. For these reasons a fine pair of Lister’s sinus-forceps or a narrow-bladed bistoury is recommended.

  3. Then he took down an ancient-looking broad-bladed dagger, with a complex aspect about it, as if it had some kind of mechanism connected with it.

  4. Open the freezer occasionally, scrape cream from sides and mix well, using a long-bladed knife.

  5. BACON CURLS Place thin strips of Bacon on a board and with a broad-bladed knife press strips out as thin as possible.

  6. I believe I could have wrestled them both, but that one getting angry, pulled out a long-bladed knife, and threatened to cut my throat with it.

  7. All had lassoes at their saddles, some had old-fashioned blunderbusses, and nearly every one had a macheta or long bladed Spanish knife.

  8. All of these people had a bad name, and every one of them carried a long bladed knife called a Macheta, with which they could kill a man at a single blow.

  9. These propellers were later replaced by standard four-bladed wooden ones and a notable increase of speed was obtained.

  10. Each car was furnished with a 16 horse-power Daimler engine, driving two four-bladed screw propellers of aluminium sheeting.

  11. The envelope was attached to a keel on which was mounted the engine, a 35 horse-power Anzani, driving two swivelling four-bladed propellers.

  12. A 50 horsepower Antoinette engine was situated in the forward part of the car which drove two metal-bladed propellers by belts.

  13. These propellers were two-bladed with a diameter of 61 feet.

  14. An 8 horse-power benzine Daimler motor drove a twin-bladed aluminium propeller, and another propeller for vertical movement was provided beneath the car.

  15. The engine, a 100 horse-power water-cooled Green, was mounted on bearers aft and drove a four-bladed pusher propeller.

  16. Single engines are fitted in both the forward and after cars, each driving two swivelling four-bladed propellers.

  17. A Daimler engine was used, driving a four-bladed propeller.

  18. The engine is mounted upon bearers above the level of the top of the car, and drives a four-bladed pusher propeller.

  19. Two 170 horse-power Maybach engines were mounted at the after end of the car, which drove two metal-bladed reversible propellers.

  20. A 35 horse-power Green engine drove two wooden two-bladed propellers by chains.

  21. The original 250 horse-power Rolls Royce engine was installed, now driving a single large two-bladed propeller astern.

  22. Then, pointing at them with the broad-bladed assegai in his hand, he said: "Who are these?

  23. Ye saw the heavens around her flare, When she lulled to her sleep that Mother fair Of twy-born Bacchus, and decked her there The Bride of the bladed Thunder.

  24. All were copiously smeared with blood, while each wore a necklace of human teeth, and carried a heavy broad-bladed sword rusted by the blood of former victims.

  25. Catherwood paid his doctor's bill by the gift of a four-bladed pen-knife, his friend forced a similar present on the chief, and early in the afternoon they rode away about their business.

  26. The bladed cylinder is likewise mounted on four ball-bearings.

  27. While speaking, Sime draws his large-bladed knife from its sheath; and, resting the piece of wood on the porch bench, splits it open.

  28. If a pipe is wanted the Dyak will in a wonderfully short space of time make a huge hubble-bubble out of bamboos of different sizes, and if his long-bladed knife requires a sheath the same gigantic grass supplies one almost ready-made.

  29. All the lesser buso began to weep, fearing that their chief would be killed; for the isse appeared to all of them as a keen-bladed knife.

  30. Then he seized his sharp-bladed kampilan, and slew the Bia.

  31. When Phœbe doth behold Her silver visage in the watery glass, Decking with liquid pearl the bladed Grass.

  32. Though bladed Corn be lodged and trees blown down.

  33. It is merely a small one-bladed pocket knife with a thin blade, round at the end.

  34. It is so simple a knife, however, that with a little grinding almost any small one-bladed pocket knife can be transformed into one of these handy budding knives.

  35. They were fully armed with large, wicked-looking spears, axes, and great curved-bladed knives.

  36. He also carried a small stone-bladed axe, while Tul took a flint knife, such as the men used for skinning animals.

  37. Up the road rose a cloud of dust and the sound of determined feet, and presently a martial figure came in sight, clad in bronze and leather helmet and cuirass, and carrying an oblong shield and a short, broad-bladed sword of double edge.

  38. Sarnak supplied Gerry and the others with rubber uniforms and complete equipment including the thin bladed water-swords in the long feathery scabbards.

  39. Angus was grinning broadly through his globular glass helmet as he sat astride a particularly big dolphin and swung his light bladed water-sword from side to side.

  40. Gerry fought with the long, blue-bladed sword in his hand and the shield of a fallen Amazon on his left arm.

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bladed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    bladed knife; bladed paddle; bladed propeller