We was cussed for so many bitches and sons of bitches and bloody bitches, and blood of bitches.
Bitches are not always prudent in their loves, but are apt to fling themselves away on curs of low degree.
These two black bitches are your sisters, whom I have transformed into this shape: but this punishment is not sufficient, for I will have you to treat them after such a manner as I shall direct.
To serve your majesty, answered the fairy, I will restore the two bitches to their former state, and cure the lady of her scars, so that it will never appear she was so beaten; after which I will tell you who it was that did it.
The two black bitches and myself are sisters by the same father and mother; and I shall acquaint you by what strange accident they came to be metamorphosed.
When I awaked, judge how I was surprised to see a black woman by me, of a lively and agreeable complexion, who held two bitchestied together in her hand, of the same colour.
Vizier, said the caliph, the affairs we have to consider at present are not very pressing; that of the three ladies and the two black bitches is much more so.
One of the calenders made a sign for the porter to come near, and asked him whether he knew why those two black bitches had been whipped, and why Amine's bosom was so scarred?
The caliph sent for the two bitches from Zobeide's house, and when they came, a glass of water was brought to the fairy by her desire.
These two blackbitches are your sisters, whom I have transformed into this shape.
Amene rose, and went into another closet, near to that where the bitches were, and brought out a case covered with yellow satin, richly embroidered with gold and green silk.
As soon as she had thus spoken the fairy took me under one of her arms, and the two bitches under the other, and conveyed us to my house in Bagdad; where I found in my storehouses all the riches with which my vessel had been laden.
Can you not resolve us concerning the two black bitches and the lady that fainted away, who appears to have been so basely abused?
Or rather, did she not promise to see you, and restore those bitches to their natural shape?
Judge what was my surprise when I awoke, to see standing by me a black woman of lively and agreeable features, who held in her hand two bitches of the same colour, fastened together.
One of the calenders beckoned the porter to come near; and asked him, whether he knew why those two black bitches had been whipped, and why Amene's bosom was so scarred.
Generally it is otherwise, bitches being usually the earliest in the field.
An insolent pack of little bitches since your poor mother died.
These black bitches are the lady's sisters, thus metamorphosed, as a punishment for their ingratitude and cruelty.
These two bitches are my elder sisters by the same mother and father, and these two others, she on whom are the marks of blows and the cateress, are my sisters by another mother.
Then his courtiers presented themselves and withdrew, whereupon he turned to Jaafer and said to him, 'Bring me the three ladies and the bitches and the Calenders, and make haste.
So saying, she flew up with me and the two bitches and presently set us down on the roof of my house, where I found all the goods that were in my ship, nor was aught missing.
Breed first to mahogany brindles, and bitches from this union to seal brindles.
Where it is practical, it is always advisable to have two or morebitches whelp together, and then the pups are provided for if anything happens.
Also no bitches in whelp are ever allowed to run together.
In the first place, in the attainment of vigorous puppies, we state the bitches selected are of primary importance, in our view, as already stated, far more so than the sire.
While writing on the subject of sales, I think it will be in order to speak of a matter that is a source of anxiety to a great many breeders, and that is the getting rid of the small bitches that are too small to breed.
One is constantly hearing from all parts of the country of the prevalence of bitches missing.
All puppies are kept in the cool basement in the hot weather, and during the summer our bitches in whelp are kept there also.
Many bitches never vomit when the attendant is about, and only appear to do so at night; hence the belief that they do not do so at all.
Many bitches eat the young soon as they come if not closely watched, especially the first time.
I have known many breeders of experience argue that but few bitches do so.
I kept off all such sons of bitches With quick-set hedges fac'd with ditches.
When I awoke I found a jet-black damsel sitting at my feet shampooing them; and by her side stood two black bitches (my sisters, O Commander of the Faithful!
Now the heart of the Caliph was touched at these cruel doings; his chest straitened and he lost all patience in his desire to know why the two bitches were so beaten.
So he went to help her and saw two black bitches with chains round their necks; and she said to him, "Take hold of them;" and he took them and led them into the middle of the saloon.
Now the heart of the Caliph, was touched at these cruel doings; his chest straitened and he lost all patience in his desire to know why the two bitches were so beaten.
When I awoke I found a jet black damsel sitting at my feet shampooing them; and by her side stood two black bitches (my sisters, O Commander of the Faithful!
Cull out, therefore, the ill colored, ugly marked bitches first, and if you find too many left, after a few days you must exercise your judgment on the dogs.
Dogs come over," all the dogs coming over "Bitches come over," when all the bitches come.
Some bitchesdo not wish for seclusion; but others are very anxious to obtain it; and in either case the disposition should be gratified.
I have found the second visit to be needless; and a single occasion has never yet failed to procure me three or four pups, which is quite as many as the majority of bitches are able to rear.
Bitches coming off heat are more subject to this than dogs in good health.
Hundreds of bitches are murdered by the misdirected efforts of Veterinarians; and of the brutalities resorted to by other persons, I designedly take no notice.
There are times when it must be done to keep up the breed, or to acquire one; for no one drafts his best bitches unless he is an ass.
Some bitches cannot be induced to suckle the pups they have given birth to; and others, though less frequent, will eat their progeny.
Those who invented these instruments to deliver bitches with, would seem to have been ignorant of this necessity; and I here mention it to prove how perfectly inadequate such things are for the purpose intended.
But the difficulty here is not so great as it seems, since we know that jackals, wild dogs, and wolf pups reared by bitches readily acquire the habit.
Mrs. Armstrong is the breeder of two beautiful dog hounds in Talisman and Laird of Abbotsford, and of two typically good bitches in Fair Maid of Perth and Bride of Lammermoor.
From bitches obtained from two of these kennels, Captain Graham, by crossing them with the Great Dane and Scottish Deerhound, achieved the first step towards producing the animal that he desired.
Bitches should be even narrower in head than dogs.
Yet there have been, and are still, quite a large number of good dogs and bitches to be seen, and it only needs enthusiasm and co-operation among breeders to bring back the palmiest days of the Irish Water Spaniel.
Amongst the bitches that have been instrumental in building up the breed to its present high state of excellence is Princess Patricia of Connaught who is by Dermot Astore out of Cheevra, and is the dam of Ch.
Thirty inches may be taken as a fair average height for dogs, and bitches somewhat less.
When thebitches be lined they lose their time, and also while they be great with whelps, and also while their whelps suck.
The bitches be jolly in their love commonly twice in a year, but they have no term of their heat, for every time of the year some be jolly.
The bitches of them have their whelps as other tame bitches, sometimes more, sometimes less.
In this sickness many hounds and bitches die for default of these cures, whereof all hunters have not full knowledge.
Some men say that the bitchesbear no whelps while their mother liveth, but thereof I make no affirmation.
They had six dogs, two being bitches without experience of sledging.
One of these bitches had given birth to a litter of pups, but she proved a poor mother and the young ones died.
Some bitches with young were very carefully and conveniently lodged in small square kennels, made of four upright slabs of ice covered with a fifth, and having a small hole as a door in one of the sides.
They are hard to breed, and hard to rear; few of the bitches are good mothers, while their babies have little stamina; they are shy breeders moreover, and altogether need incessant care and watchfulness.
These tiny dogs, which are frequently exhibited, are often very unreliable sires; they work too hard, and their owners are sometimes very indifferent as to whether the visiting bitches are satisfactorily attended to.
Some bitches shriek in a very distressing way before they pup, and, as a rule, food is refused, and the little mother that is to be is often sick.
For these reasons, brood bitches are always wisely chosen of medium size, and mated to very tiny dogs.
The language in which bitches speak to the very young among puppies is simplicity itself.
Evans, of Chettle, near Blandford, which he considered the best he had ever seen, and consisted of bitches fifteen and a half inches, combining the blood of the packs of Messrs.
Dogs twelve and one-half to fourteen inches; bitches eleven to twelve inches.
Dogs ten to twelve inches; bitches eight and one-half to ten inches.
Dogs one-hundred and fifteen to one hundred and forty pounds; bitches ninety to one hundred and fifteen pounds.
There is a suspicion it came originally from Ireland, and the fact that nearly all the best Gordon bitches have had in every litter, one or more deep red, or orange, whelps, leads one to believe there has been an Irish cross.
Dogs thirty-eight to forty-four inches; bitches thirty-two to thirty-four inches.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bitches" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.