The decline of the birthrate then was confined entirely to the legitimate births.
While in the Roman empire the marriage andbirthrate were permitted to decline more and more, the Jews maintained far different customs.
During the entire century a decline of the birthrate was noticeable.
The decline of the birthrate then is a general one, and though France and Ireland show the lowest figures, the decline is most rapid in England, Germany and Scotland.
Since a long time the same phenomenon may be observed in Germany, especially in Saxony, where the decline of the birthrate has been even more rapid.
The birthrate article--has the poor thing been declining all this time?
And with my article to finish, on the decline of the birthrate among the well-to-do classes!
One great cause of the fall in the birthrate is the social disease.
In the city of Aberdeen, the birthrate in the poor and congested district of Greyfriars is almost double that of Rubislaw which includes the best housing in the city.
In Morningside and Haymarket the birthrate is only a third of what it was in Scotland in 1871.
Canada in five years increased its food supply by half; it is impossible in five years for the birthrateto increase the population by half.
The birthratein Australia has descended to 10 per thousand, but the Neo-Malthusians regard that with satisfaction.
In proof of that it may be cited that the north-west districts of Scotland can still show a birthrate of 34.
So far we have only considered the restricted birthrate as the result of the teaching of Neo-Malthusianism; but there is a further restriction which even the Neo-Malthusian condemns--the destruction of the unborn life.
But what we have to consider is not the birthrate in {51} relation to that of Germany but in relation to the extent of the earth surface which owns our sway.
In the Canongate district there is a birthrate per thousand of 24; in Gorgie, 23.
Chalmers, the Medical Officer of Health for the city of Glasgow, contrasted the birthrate in two of the poor districts of the city with that in two of the best districts.
And no believer in the displacement theory has ever ventured to claim, as the argument requires, that if immigration were now stopped, the birthrate would again return to the old standard of 1820, or would cease to decrease somewhat.
Such changes caused a relative decline in the birthrateof the old American stock.
The conclusion drawn from these figures is that the immigrants were the cause of the decline of the average birthrate that occurred in the families of native stock.
Probably, in a good many cases the more rapid business advancement of the natives, because of the coming of the immigrants, led to the decline of birthrate that is a consequence of economic success.
Must we believe that, but for immigration, the native birthrate would not have declined at all?
To the extent that the coming of immigrants caused a net addition to the population, it doubtless hastened the growth of cities and the development of industrialism, and thus helped to reduce the birthrate in some classes.
In an urban environment the birthrate among immigrants always has been very much higher than that of native Americans.
The general birthrate has declined of recent years in Australia and New Zealand, where there has been little immigration, more rapidly than it has in the United States.
It is well known that the steady decline in the English birthrate begun in 1877, the year following the trial.
It is sometimes said, indeed, that the decline of the birthrate is not entirely due to the voluntary control of procreation.
But in Belgium, Italy, Spain, and other mainly Catholic countries, the decline in the birthrate is duly taking place.
If those persons who raise the cry of "race suicide" in face of the decline of the birthrate really had the knowledge and intelligence to realize the manifold evils which they are invoking they would deserve to be treated as criminals.
Let us honor and provide for all mothers and all children and we will find that the birthrate will increase among the "rich and respectable," where now we note a determined desire to shirk the responsibilities of parenthood.
We need not worry therefore lest the race shall die, because of a decreasing birthrate as we see it on the physical plane.
France was being held to account for a stationary birthrate and the expulsion of the religious orders, and England--faute de mieux--shared the guilt of a Liberal Government which had carried a Welsh Disestablishment Bill.
I've tried to solve a good many problems--old ones and new, wages and the relations of women and labour since the war; birthrate and marriage.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "birthrate" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.