Finally she put on special tabi stockings, bifurcated at the big toe to accommodate her thonged slippers.
The Lepidodendrons, of which there are about forty known species, have cylindrical bifurcated branches; that is, the branches were evolved in pairs, or were dichotomous to the top.
Thus, in one issue one can find a fashion plate showing the predominantly bifurcated European bathing suit and, in a column on New York fashions, a separate description of long-skirted bathing dresses with trousers.
It had its insignificant start with the skirtless bifurcated garments of the late 1860s.
These more practical bifurcated garments probably derived from the European suit of the 1860s that had been rejected by the majority of American women.
This type of bathing costume, which was primarily a bifurcatedgarment instead of a skirted one, became the prevailing fashion as reported in English women's magazines of the 1860s.
The term "bathing suit" as opposed to "bathing dress" came into use in the last quarter of the 19th century when the bifurcated bathing garment with a shorter skirt was widely accepted.
Both chords are cast-iron water mains, bifurcatedat the end bearings; cast-iron posts and wrought-iron ties.
As a matter of fact, the Eastern women, when they fasten their petticoats between their ankles for convenience in walking, demonstrate the first stage in the production of bifurcated garments.
The Rational Dress League has general objects in view, and it also keeps in mind the special one of introducing bifurcated garments for women.
She was as spick and span as a new dollar, nattily dressed in a bifurcated riding skirt, from beneath which peeped a pair of high tan riding boots.
Know, then, that the organ of the incubus is bifurcated and at the same time penetrates both vases.
Except for the bifurcatedstem some examples are similar to some of the Jude points recovered in this excavation.
The basal edge of the stem is usually bifurcated but may be auriculate.
There must have been one form of bifurcatedprobe with a rounded end bearing a notch like an arrow.
There are several bifurcated specilla in the British Museum (Pl.
We know, however, of other forms of bifurcated probes.
The stream of life has bifurcated and bifurcated till we have lost our common memory and have become convinced of the absolute separation of our personalities one from the other.
Piece of coarse coil basket with splint foundation and bifurcatedstitch (Fig.
Fragment of Coiled Basket of Splint Foundation andBifurcated Stitch.
Fragment of Basket of Splint Foundation andBifurcated Stitch 35 18.
Commonly the coiled basketry in the Nez Perce region to the east was made with bifurcated stitch,[78] by means of a sharpened awl which was the only instrument used in weaving it.
It is coiled with splint foundation and bifurcated stitch.
The horns are massive, with a long brow antler and a bifurcated top, and in good specimens are about 40 ins.
Shanks or needle-rays sometimes simple, needle-like, sometimes bifurcated or branched.
As already mentioned, these three bones are all different in the shape and proportions of the hinder bifurcated end.
Rather large vascular canals, infiltrated with the oxides of iron and manganese, are observed in places, often bifurcated and usually bordered by a transparent zone free from the connective-tissue fibres.
On this being shed the next spring produces a small branch from the base of this beam, called the brow antler, which is identical almost with the single bifurcated horn of the Furcifer from Chili.
The deer with which we have to deal range from the elaphine, or red deer type, to the simple bifurcated antler of the muntjac, which consists of a beam and brow antler only.
Here we have the phrase which, at the 1908 convention, was to make the revolutionary syndicalists see red and which was finally to result in a bifurcated I.
What bearing has this assumption on the concept of nature as bifurcated into causal nature and apparent nature?
If I were I'd fly out of Texas till the bifurcated Democratic party has another "harmony" deal.
No wonder the Democratic party spilt wide open--transformed from an ascendent sun into a bifurcated Biela's comet, wandering the Lord knows whither.
They lay on their tables, the artful knickerbockers, the gleaming petticoats, the pink and blue pajamas, the bifurcated skirts.
He peered keenly ahead, for the bifurcated river has its treacherous places, like our own Mississippi, and he who guides so large a craft in its current has need to keep his wits about him.
Then, for the first time, the officer recalled that the trail bifurcated like the river itself.
Though the craft that roamed up and down the bifurcated river was referred to as a gunboat, it was simply an American tug, some seventy-five feet in length, of the same tonnage and with a single six-pounder mounted fore and another aft.
Many of the fish in the bifurcatedriver are of delicious flavor, but rice and fruit form the principal diet.
Swastikas, are bifurcated and turn both ways, thus forming a foliated cross similar to the Maya cross, the "Tree of life.
For this purpose a bifurcatedbranch is first chosen.