In danger now no more The stag, a thankless wretch and vile, Began to browse his benefactress o'er.
Neither Jeanne nor her benefactress then knew of the venture of Montreal.
Meanwhile he could go to France and call on the unknown benefactress herself whose name was now divulged to him.
On opening her papers it was discovered that in losing his benefactress he had lost his mother!
He durst not look again upon the Quay; but had he looked he would have seen many a weeping maiden who had never told her love, and he would have seen his affectionatebenefactress borne away in a fainting fit.
The youth kept his eye fixed upon the loosening topsails of his ship; his benefactress grasped his arm almost convulsively, and looked, or rather stared, upon the ground.
Helen soon had the opportunity of appearing as the benefactress of the people.
Helen of Adiabene, proselyte and benefactress in Jerusalem, 218 f.
My benefactressis right--you are right: why should I be ashamed of it?
But the benefactress of my adopted brother is concerned, and I will not see her wronged.
Had her benefactress felt, like her, the effects of an unfortunate passion, she could not have held any other language.
Cardoville, the benefactress of his son, the soldier turned round suddenly, and loosened his hold on Rodin.
You will, perhaps, say that your benefactress acted as a protecting shield.
Rather than return to her benefactress she would have joined the roofless crew who passed the night on the hard marble pavement of the forecourts of the temple.
Arsinoe was beginning to hate her benefactress and everything that surrounded her, and the hours of catechising and of prayer, which she could not escape, were a positive martyrdom.
Pontius had told her that Pollux had entirely vanished and her benefactress persisted in al ways speaking of him as of one dead.
Bargeton was for him a benefactress who would take a mother's interest in him; but confidences came next.
Du Potelet has forgotten that he was once in waiting upon Her Imperial Highness; but he still sings the songs composed for the benefactress who took such a tender interest in his career," and so forth and so forth.
Kill the brother whose existence was interwoven with that of his benefactress and his friend?
He believes that, by his means, his patroness andbenefactress has found an untimely death.
I cannot tell you, madam, how much I was grieved at so dismal a spectacle; I had rather all my life have continued an ape or a dog, than to have seen my benefactress thus miserably perish.
They set out on their journey; but had not proceeded many days, when the youth forgot his obligations, and giving way to impulse, insulted his benefactress by offering her his love.
And amid all this pomp of power and pride of place, how did the purple-robed politician regard the generous benefactress who had furthered his brilliant fortunes?
I, as the head of the family, demand of you that you become the benefactress of your family, of your queen, and of your whole country.
It was evident now that good, grieved Mrs. Kane took her for an angel as she sat by the little one's bed, and it was new and delightful to Mrs. Rushton to be regarded as a benefactress by anyone.
During the pleasant weeks that had lately passed over her head Hetty had been more drawn to her benefactressthan she had ever been before.
Already she regarded herbenefactress with feelings bordering upon devotion.
My mother was the benefactress of the poor, for miles around, and I was her almoner.
In 1575, the inventress died and was laid to rest in the churchyard of Annaberg, where her tombstone records that she was the “benefactress of the Hartz Mountains.
Eugénie longed to become thebenefactress of St. M——.
Her colour deepened, and her dark grey eyes glowed, as she stood up and looked at her benefactress with passionate emotion in every line of her expressive face.
Evidently gained in advance, the physicians declared to my poor benefactress that the air of La Jonchere was fatal to her, and that her only chance of recovery was to establish herself in Paris.
It is your benefactress you must thank, for her goodness inspires me.
The benefactress of the Morels has given me carte blanche; nothing is to be spared that these poor people require.
Fortunately, I yesterday recovered several sums of money that were due to me, and I was able to give an advance to your benefactress by paying for you this unfortunate debt.
She grew up in the house of a general’s widow, a wealthy old lady of good position, who was at once her benefactress and tormentor.
So the poor child exchanged a benefactress for a benefactor.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "benefactress" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: aid; backer; donor; help; helper; patron; philanthropist; protector