My beloved wife and I were enabled to give her up into the hands of the Lord.
The thought of being a second time disappointed in my hopes of returning home, and of learning the fate of my beloved wife, was more than I could bear.
For long I had not been in such good spirits, as I hoped soon to be able to get home and to see my beloved wife, even if I could not manage to obtain my discharge, for which I intended to try.
As I drew nearer home, still more intense had become my anxiety to ascertain the fate of my beloved wife.
I give and bequeath to Miss Maria Goodwin, niece of my beloved wife, who has for many years resided in my house as one of my family, the sum of seven thousand dollars.
The provision thus made for my beloved wife is designed to be in full satisfaction of her right of dower, or thirds, in my estate.
I give and bequeath to Mrs. Maria Goodwin, sister of my beloved wife, the sum of one thousand dollars.
Oh, my beloved wife, I have feared to tell you, but now that strength is returning, I may hesitate no longer; for her sake you will bear these cruel tidings even as she has done.
I am truly thankful to feel my beloved wife is far from the scene of confusion and danger to which she has been so unavoidably exposed.
Not impossible; but I do not think it likely Miss Harcourt would have betrayed her affection, at the very time when she was endeavouring to soothe her cousin for the loss of a beloved wife.
For I will go home, that I may see my domestics, my beloved wife, and my infant son.
Whomsoever of these I may choose, I will make my beloved wife; and there my generous soul very much desires that I, wedding a betrothed spouse, a fit partner of my bed, should enjoy the possessions which aged Peleus hath acquired.
So my beloved wife saw no other way out of her difficulties than my death.
For some time past the food which was sent in daily from a neighbouring restaurant had been steadily deteriorating, but my beloved wife, with her irresistible sweetness, had made me believe that I had grown more fastidious.
I sang of my beloved wife as she appeared to me on the day of our first meeting, a blue veil fluttering from her straw hat, a blue veil which became the flag which I hoisted when I sailed into the stormy sea.
But even in death Siegfried could not forget his beloved wife; and laying aside all his anger, he pathetically recommended her to Gunther's care, bidding him guard her well.
Perhaps, beloved wife, you did not come when I called, because you mistook the locality whence the call proceeded.
My beloved wife, let us make no question about our love, whether it be true.
Suta hath kicked today the proud and beloved wife of those, the sounds of whose kettle-drums and the twangs of whose bow-strings are ceaselessly heard.
Alas, the son of a Suta hath kicked today the proud and beloved wife of those truthful personages, who are devoted to Brahmanas and who always give away without asking any thing in gift.
For thee that thus solicitest their beloved wife, there is no refuge either on earth or in sky.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "beloved wife" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.