Nothing could be more indiscreet than the eyes of my beloved mistress; they wore the irrefutable marks of her first exploits.
At midnight I saw my beloved mistress again, and I gave her an account of all that had transpired.
Feeling the need of hope, and almost dead for want of food, I ordered some dinner, and prepared a long letter for my beloved mistress, to be delivered to her when she was well enough to read it.
Yet the third and the fourth passed without my seeing my beloved mistress.
Notwithstanding the danger of my position, I spent the whole of the day alone with my beloved mistress, and it seemed that every moment gave her fresh beauties and increased my love.
I slept only four or five hours, and, dressing myself quickly, hurried to my beloved mistress.
Senora, my beloved mistress, my feelings have had vent already, and nature will no more.
It is an honest nature pouring out its disappointment, my beloved mistress, and a tongue that hath become bold through much zeal for Your Highnesses' fame.
But, what I am going to ask you is, How shall the modern materialist, who you think is to dominate the Twentieth Century and all the centuries to follow--how shall he confront Death when a beloved mistress is struck down?
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "beloved mistress" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.