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Example sentences for "beloved mistress"

  • Nothing could be more indiscreet than the eyes of my beloved mistress; they wore the irrefutable marks of her first exploits.

  • At midnight I saw my beloved mistress again, and I gave her an account of all that had transpired.

  • Feeling the need of hope, and almost dead for want of food, I ordered some dinner, and prepared a long letter for my beloved mistress, to be delivered to her when she was well enough to read it.

  • Yet the third and the fourth passed without my seeing my beloved mistress.

  • Notwithstanding the danger of my position, I spent the whole of the day alone with my beloved mistress, and it seemed that every moment gave her fresh beauties and increased my love.

  • I slept only four or five hours, and, dressing myself quickly, hurried to my beloved mistress.

  • Senora, my beloved mistress, my feelings have had vent already, and nature will no more.

  • It is an honest nature pouring out its disappointment, my beloved mistress, and a tongue that hath become bold through much zeal for Your Highnesses' fame.

  • Nay, what more can I say, my beloved mistress?

  • But, what I am going to ask you is, How shall the modern materialist, who you think is to dominate the Twentieth Century and all the centuries to follow--how shall he confront Death when a beloved mistress is struck down?

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "beloved mistress" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    beloved brethren; beloved child; beloved children; beloved daughter; beloved friends; beloved husband; beloved mistress; beloved mother; beloved reader; beloved sister; beloved wife; certain quarters; country where; dictum simpliciter; fine flavor; library science; linear series; loamy soil; make resistance; naturally enough; nest among the reeds; protective tariff; royal mistress; six miles; you remember; young gent