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Example sentences for "beloved husband"

  • Duroc, how can I take rest while the life of my beloved husband is in danger?

  • I thank you, my beloved husband," she whispered tenderly.

  • Go, then, my beloved husband, and do your duty; I will fulfil mine.

  • Behold," she answered, "I journeyed here with my beloved husband, when lo!

  • They have slain my beloved husband also," said she.

  • But if they should not release you, my beloved husband?

  • Not a word of welcome from you, my beloved husband?

  • Isabella, scarcely knowing what she said in that moment of intense excitement and profound astonishment: "your brother, my beloved husband?

  • I can make ample allowances for one who has lately lost a beloved husband, and whose anxieties have been increased by the duties of maternity," added Gilbert.

  • While we were at the table, my beloved husband said, 'I shall soon be thrown away for this world; but I hope the Lord Jesus will take me up.

  • Having found a place where our little boy could sleep without danger of falling through openings in the floor, I threw myself down, without undressing, beside my beloved husband.

  • After they had lived some time happily together, Kavadiska said one morning: "Beloved husband, I must leave thee for a short time.

  • Ah," cried she, "beloved husband, we are lost!

  • What I suffered from was only that my beloved husband had to go out into the danger and I to stay behind in anxiety and solitude.

  • And thus it was a slight feeling of pride, a consciousness that to have lost a beloved husband on the field of honour conferred a kind of military merit, which helped me most to bear my pain; and I was far from being the only one.

  • I wished I could go to sleep again in the same way and dream as I then fancied I dreamt--that the door opened gently and my beloved husband entered.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "beloved husband" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    being destroyed; being raised; beloved brethren; beloved brother; beloved child; beloved children; beloved daughter; beloved friends; beloved mistress; beloved mother; beloved wife; certain value; could ride; each stroke; ecclesiastical property; erect posture; hath triumphed; heavy crop; more liberal; poor things; possible only; protective duties; roll each; royal warrant; this nation; where busy all the