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Example sentences for "heavy crop"

  • In 1952 the Sweeney tree was bearing a heavy crop of nuts.

  • What I wanted was leaf growth to store up energy and nutrients for the following year and to apply that on the year of heavy crop, so besides maturing the crop, it will provide that leaf growth, and not in the year of no crop.

  • Now, the tree in producing a heavy crop of well filled nuts utilizes every bit of carbohydrates it has stored and can manufacture.

  • The trees may then remain leafless for weeks following, and yet produce a heavy crop of fruit.

  • The fourth year after planting in the orchard the trees gave me a heavy crop of nuts, and they made a fine appearance as one looked down between the long rows, as shown in Fig.

  • A satisfactory method might be used not only for preserving nuts for year-round use, but for carrying them over from heavy crop years to light crop years.

  • I guess some of you here remember the years of the depression, and I remember in 1932, for example, we had a heavy crop of black walnuts in the state.

  • Some years it produces a heavy crop, others, nothing.

  • They fed the ewes and lambs in the spring, and they are now yielding a heavy crop of hay; for I saw men mowing in them, in several places, particularly about Netheravon, though it was raining at the time.

  • The wheat not a heavy crop; but not a light one; and the barley all the way along from Headley to this place as fine, if not finer, than I ever saw it in my life.

  • Plants put in at the latter time should have the flower-stems removed, and will then yield a heavy crop in the succeeding season.

  • After the fruit has set, a mulch of decayed manure will aid the plants in finishing a heavy crop.

  • A strong soil is suitable, and generally speaking a heavy crop of Beans may be taken from a well-managed clay.

  • The Charlamoffs were bearing a heavy crop of beautiful, large-sized apples and were ahead of the Duchess this year.

  • Grapes: Not many are grown except the Beta, which bore a heavy crop in spite of the late spring frosts.

  • Plants that we left out last winter without covering came through in splendid condition and made a heavy crop.

  • After such an application of manure as I have above advised, the planter must be on his guard against producing such a heavy crop as will lead to an exhaustion of the tree, and a failure of the following crop.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "heavy crop" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    admit that; draw together; foreign service; giving away; good figure; good letter; great heat; heavy blow; heavy fall; heavy fighting; heavy fire from the; heavy growth; heavy hand; heavy heart; heavy press; heavy rains; heavy shower; heavy sigh; heavy soils; heavy stone; heavy swell; heavy weight; magnum opus; said the young doctor; surface area; thirteen hours