But in the others silence do I see, Maids milde behauiour and sobrietie.
There is a faire behauiour in thee Captaine, And though that nature, with a beauteous wall Doth oft close in pollution: yet of thee I will beleeue thou hast a minde that suites With this thy faire and outward charracter.
Now will not I deliuer his Letter: for the behauiour of the yong Gentleman, giues him out to be of good capacity, and breeding: his employment betweene his Lord and my Neece, confirmes no lesse.
Of the life and behauiour of such men, whom they holde for saints, where they lead their liues, and where they died and were buried.
Many things passed betweene our men & the Indians: for where the Indians vnderstood thë not, their behauiour was much to laugh at.
Of the priuate behauiourand maner of the Russe people.
The priuate behauiour and qualitie of the Russe people, may partly be vnderslood by that which hath beene sayd concerning the publique state and vsage of the Countrey.
Thirdly, the Oeconomie or priuate behauiour of the Russe containing these chapters.
Trulye he is worse then a cruel enemie, naye he is rather more fierce and vnnatural then a sauage beast, that at such moderate behauiour as my sonne vseth, wil not take compassion.
Wherefore some examples we will set downe of this maner of decency in behauiour leauing you for the rest to our booke which we haue written de Decoro, where ye shall see both partes handled more exactly.
Of decencie in behauiour and action, which also belongs to the consideration of a Poet or maker.
Your misplacing and preposterous placing is not all one in behauiourof language, for the misplacing is alwaies intollerable, but the preposterous is a pardonable fault, and many times giues a pretie grace vnto the speech.
Of decencie in behauiour which also belongs to the consideration of the Poet or maker.
Let me shake thy hand, I neuer hated thee: I haue seene thee fight, When I haue enuied thy behauiour Enob.
Thus (after greeting) speakes the King of France, In my behauiour to the Maiesty, The borrowed Maiesty of England heere Elea.
What an vnwaied Behauiour hath this Flemish drunkard pickt (with The Deuills name) out of my conuersation, that he dares In this manner assay me?
I thinke he bought his doublet in Italie, his round hose in France, his bonnet in Germanie, and his behauiour euery where Ner.
What cause Hath my behauiour giuen to your displeasure, That thus you should proceede to put me off, And take your good Grace from me?
You shall doe maruels wisely: good Reynoldo, Before you visite him you make inquiry Of his behauiour Reynol.
Not a whit Touchstone, those that are good maners at the Court, are as ridiculous in the Countrey, as the behauiour of the Countrie is most mockeable at the Court.
Daughters nousled in companies, whose mouthes run ouer with Whorish and filthy talke, wyth behauiour full of Ribauldry, and many fraughted wyth facts lesse honest than Speach is able to expresse.
Of that mayden Scapperdone had a Daughter indifferent fayre, and of behauiour liuely and pleasaunt, called Bianca Maria.
Nothing was more frequent in Pauy, than villanous Iests, and Playes vppon the filthy Behauiour of the Countesse, which made hir ashamed to goe out of hir Gates.
I cannot tel from whence this youre behauiour and that immoderate heauines doe proceede, but wel I wot that within this houre I thought to haue accompanied you to the graue.
Where vnto the generosity and good behauiour of Mustapha was a great hinderaunce, who in deede was a yong man of great magnanimity, and of Wit most excellent, whose Stomach was no lesse couragious, than he was manly in person, and force.
How the citie of Rhodes was yeelded to the great Turke, and of the euillbehauiour of certaine Turkes.
Sidenote: The dukesbehauiour to the king at their méeting.
Her behauiour being very modest and freendly, argued her bringing vp not to be rude.
Then she conferred the whole matter wyth hir Coosin Queene Marie: which was a wyse and comely Ladye, and vpon that loue they vsed many discourses, more and more hauing in regard the behauiour of that yong Gentleman.
I doe not doubt that any mortall creature vnderstanding my behauiour in those matters wherwith I am charged, would blame me, for my liberall speache, sithe I am sure that God and myne honor in no point I haue offended.
That which my estimation, beautie and good behauiourdoe deserue, I ought not to hyde in darkenesse.
What shall we say of the princely behauiour and noble disposition of this Queene?
Normans for suerties to the Lords of the soile for their good behauiour in their offices!
I said) or ten denaries, or tithings of men, of which ech one was bound for others good abering, and laudable behauiour in the common-wealth of the realme.
I haue heard oft alledged, and therefore it is most true that doctor Turner said; Italie is not to be seene without a guide, that is, without speciall grace giuen from God, bicause of the licentious and corrupt behauiour of the people.
For the first, euen the beggerly and vnnaturall behauiour of those English and Irish rebels, that serued the King in that present action, was sufficient to answere that first argument of rich pay.
You shall therefore (quoth he) do well to repaire to him to know his pleasure, he is a noble man of good behauiour and courtesie, and meanes you no ill.
His behauiour was variable and inconstant; earnest in euery present passion, and for the most part accompanying the disposition of his mind, with outward demonstrations.
Hee was a man of faire vse of speach, and liuely in witte, which hee made seruants to licentious designes; but both in birth and behauiour base, and shamelesse in dishonestie; a very bawde to all the Kings purposes and desires.
For although he was English by birth, yet by reason of his education in Normandie, he was altogether become a Normane, both in affection and in behauiour of life.
I will not defile my writing with memory of some lasciuious behauiour which she is reported to haue vsed, at such time as the Duke approched to embrace her.
His eyes were full of pleasant modestie; his countenance manly beautifull; in bodie both strongly and delicately made; in behauiour sweetely sober, which gaue grace to whatsoeuer he did.
No such thing, but I haue knowne for the space of certaine yeares the verteous and honest behauiour of your parents, that is a birde not least to be regarded (I think) to be come of a good stock.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "behauiour" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.