To be short, whatsoeuer things were requisite for the making of bridges, and for the barring and stopping vp of hauens mouthes with stakes, posts, and other meanes, he commanded to be made ready.
They put also bullets of lead into their mouthes to slake their thirst.
How would this stop the mouthes of Anabaptists, Brownists, and Independents?
And the mouthes of the hiues ought to stand somwhat stiper than the back part, leaste rain beating in, might not lightly run out again by their entry or hole.
Sailing along the coast from the two aforesaid great Riuers, they discouer three mouthes of lakes and a goodly Countrey, they come vnto Cabo Roxo, and take possession of those countreys for the Emperours Maiesty.
All these mouthes of this riuer which are 5, are full of sholds towards the East aboue the space of two leagues.
The currents of these Riuers might be discerned three leagues within the Sea: and at the mouthes of them were many small stakes set vp for markes: the shore here is plaine and sandie, and the countrey very pleasant.
Wee road a league distance from these mouthes in 6.
From the Isle of Martin Garcia to the mouthes of the riuer are eight leagues in passing along on this side to seeke one of the mouthes of the riuer Parana, as it is hereafter described.
And sailing forward we found an hauen which hath twomouthes into the Sea, into which we entered by the Northermost mouth, which hath 10.
A man shall neuer heare those woordes precede, but from the mouthes of the moste lasciuious, which delight in nothing els, but to corrupte the good names of Ladies, afterward to make them ridiculous to the worlde.
The good Prince rauished with ioy, and satisfied with repentaunce, stopped their mouthes with sweete kisses and hard embracings.
Their minds to plea/ure, & their mouthes to dainty fare.
Worke, worke your Thoughts, and therein see a Siege: Behold the Ordenance on their Carriages, With fatall mouthes gaping on girded Harflew.
Therefore disperse your selves, and let our Squires With Trumpets in their mouthes sound lowd retreat Where you perceive the fight most violent.
About the said Island are very great beasts as great as oxen, which haue two great teeth in their moutheslike vnto Elephants teeth, and liue also in the sea.
And therefore upon the firste said viewe taken by the shippes that are to be sente thither, wee are to plante upon the mouthes of the greate navigable rivers which are there, by stronge order of fortification, and there to plante our colonies.
I will aske him for my Place againe, he shall tell me, I am a drunkard: had I as many mouthes as Hydra, such an answer would stop them all.
He says: "Let Aristopanes and his comedians make plaies, and scowre their mouthes on Socrates; those very mouthes they make to vilifie, shall be meanes to amplifie his vertue.
I am well content to repay good for evill, thinking it not impossible that by the taste of the corne those very soules may in time have their mouthes stopt for speaking evill against the husbandman.
Let Aristophanes and his comedians make plaies, and scowre their mouthes on Socrates; those very mouthes they make to vilifie, shall be the meanes to amplifie his vertue.
Rest you faire good signior, Your worship was the last man in our mouthes Ant.
For there was neuer yet faire woman, but shee made mouthesin a glasse.
Other shot forth theyr Boltes, and wyth theyr Prouerbes proceedyng from their malicious Mouthes thwited the pore Women at their pleasure.
But if mishap will haue it so, and that some ill lucke doe discouer our dealinges, I haue shift of wayes to coloure it, and power to stop the mouthes of them that dare presume to clatter and haue to do with our priuate conference.
Daughters nousled in companies, whose mouthes run ouer with Whorish and filthy talke, wyth behauiour full of Ribauldry, and many fraughted wyth facts lesse honest than Speach is able to expresse.
Then the iuglers cause golden cups full of wine to flie vp and downe in the ayre, and to apply themselues vnto mens mouthes that they may drinke of them.
The women of this countrey weare aboue an hundreth tricks and trifles about them, and they haue two teeth in their mouthes as long as the tushes of a boare.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "mouthes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.