The 'right to bear arms' is not plainer taught or more efficient than the right to carry ballots.
Coming finally to the more practical bearings of the subject, he answered the objection, that "if women are entitled to the rights of franchise, they would correspondingly come under the obligation to bear arms.
The subject of Visitations, and in fact the whole subject of the right to bear arms, is dealt with at length in the book to which reference has been already made, namely, "The Right to Bear Arms.
In England no one is compelled to bear Arms unless he wishes; but, should he desire to do so, the Inland Revenue requires a payment of one or two guineas, according to the method of use.
Everyone able to bear arms was in the field fighting for their homes, their language, and their religion.
This the Athenians styled great humanity; and yet he was the principal cause of the slaughter of all the inhabitants of the isle of Melos who were of age to bear arms, having spoken in favor of that decree.
When he left off his masters and teachers, and began to bear arms in the incursions which his citizens used to make upon the Lacedaemonians for pillage and plunder, he would always march out the first, and return the last.
If excess were possible on this occasion, it would be a glorious fault, and worth a dozen of little, sneaking, frigid virtues.
He could not say we were the most enlightened, but he did think us the most free; not that he was afraid of offending any nation, but he thought this a more consistent declaration.
Defn: To arrange (different coats of arms) upon one escutcheon, as when a man inherits from both father and mother the right to bear arms.
Defn: The military force of the whole nation, consisting of all men able to bear arms.
Now the number of the rest of the Israelites was nine hundred thousand men, who were able to bear arms and go to war; but the tribe of Judah, by itself, was four hundred thousand men.
Hence, we deem it unlawful to bear arms, or to hold a military office.
These Christians refuse to defend their country or to bear arms, or to engage, at the request of the government, in war against its enemies.
The wide extent of country might very possibly contain a million of warriors, as all who were of age to bear arms were of a temper to use them.
However, the Greeks, satisfied with having vindicated their right to bear arms in their own defence, continued to pay their taxes, and abstained from all hostility.
These Christians refuse to defend their country, to bear arms, or at the call of government to make war on its enemies.
There he is persecuted for a year and a half, but he does not for all that alter his decision not to bear arms, and he explains why he will not do this to everyone with whom he is brought in contact.
Hence we deem it unlawful to bear arms, and we cannot hold any office which imposes on its incumbent the obligation to compel men to do right on pain of imprisonment or death.
They have been flattered with their freedom, if they be able to bear arms, and will speedily join Lord Dunmore's troops.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bear arms" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.