It was a tiny place, and upon a bench, wrapped up in a blanket, the bargeman was lying.
The bargeman departed, grumbling that he did not know one of the young imps from another, but if he did find them, he'd wring their necks for them to a certainty.
They watched for a time, and saw the bargeman fasten up the hatch of the little cabin and go ashore.
The next day the whole town was talking of the affair, and in the afternoon the bargeman went up to the head-master and accused one of the boys of an attempt to murder him.
Greatly surprised, the Provost demanded what reason the man had for suspecting the boys, and the bargeman acknowledged that he had that afternoon upset a boat with four or five boys in her.
There is no danger, for it rarely happens that even an unwary bargeman ventures near the forbidden region.
A bargeman had sometimes to send on ten miles ahead to get a flash when going up stream, and sometimes lay for a month till enough water had accumulated.
Having made over all those articles to the king, Wolsey left his sumptuous palace, and jumping into a barge, desired the bargeman to drop him down with the tide towards Putney.
The district through which he was travelling was thinly populated, and to obtain a doctor the bargeman would have to trudge some miles across country, leaving his wife alone on the canal.
As soon as the bargeman hurried away to fetch a doctor, Mrs. Amos made the sick woman some beef-tea, tidied the bed, and took charge of the baby.
Why, I say, massa, you hab change to-morrow—you hab bargeman biscuit and salt junk.
The standing bargeman opens and prepares to light a lantern.
Before they had landed the bargeman had scrawled on a piece of paper, "Your boat was picked up by the Sarah and Jane.
It was lucky that bargeman took the matter in his hands for us.
This was said in reference to various short rows which they had had in boats belonging to barges which had been sometimes lent them for half an hour of an evening by a good-natured bargeman as they hung about the wharves.
Moored under the trees of Charleville Mall Father Conmee saw a turfbarge, a towhorse with pendent head, a bargeman with a hat of dirty straw seated amidships, smoking and staring at a branch of poplar above him.
Roger Joanes, a Waterman, was appointed Bargeman with a yearly fee of 20s.
Ordered that theBargeman have a new coate & britches &c.
Darby, who was to be spokesman for the party, here approached the bargeman with frank, courteous manner; while the dwarf hung timidly in the rear, still keeping Joan well within the shelter of his arm.
In the afternoon the good-natured bargeman brewed a can of tea.
He beckoned the bargeman aside, and in a few broken, gasping sentences told him the main facts of the children's story.
They had been on her once before with a friendly oldbargeman but recently retired to give place to a younger, more active man, who was a stranger on the route, consequently did not know the little folks from Firgrove.
After clearing the lock and exchanging a word or two with the woman at the toll, the bargeman had laid himself down upon a heap of empty sacks, to take a nap most probably, leaving his boy in charge of the tiller.
Accursed be the day when my bargeman I brought To fight with Jos.
Was not there a floating report about the bargeman receiving a thousand to throw it over?
The bargemanwas still working away at the pump, but his strokes were slower now and he was panting with near exhaustion.
Ken shifted to a position against the wall and let the bargeman take hold of the pump handle.
An ex-bargeman was in charge, and four hands helped on board.
And darkness does not stop the bargeman even in the most crowded reaches so long as the tide serves.
That gentleman would take a manly pleasure in pulling his own coat off, and thrashing a bargeman in a street row.
And the bargeman was a very old man with a long beard as white as snow and he gazed very steadfastly upon Sir Lavaine as he drew near thitherward.
Then the bargeman trimmed the sail and so the barge drew slowly away from that place, many standing upon the landing-stage and watching its departure.
At that Sir Lavaine said: "I pray you to bring me to where that deaf and dumb bargeman is.
There the dumb bargeman made fast the barge to the iron rings of the landing-stage, and so that strange voyage was ended.
This bargeman may not live near there at all; though no doubt he goes there pretty often, as letters are sent there for him.
No doubt he can find some bargeman there who will take the boy in.
I want to give it to a bargeman who has rendered me a great service," as if it were an everyday occurrence for a young lady to buy a barge as a present.
The bargeman or fisherman runs down at the time arranged, and five or six miles below the Nore brings up and shows a light.
It may be a bargeman who sails round to Harwich or somewhere along the south coast.
Of course this rascal of a bargeman must be arrested.
That is where the second hand always sleeps when the bargeman has got his wife on board.
The bargeman skulking on the opposite bank of the stream, went on after it.
The dip of Eugene Wrayburn's sculls had become hardly audible in his ears when the bargemanpassed him, putting the utmost width that he could between them, and keeping under the hedge.
Besides, if he had gone; what is there of warning in a Bargeman lying on his face?
Riderhood observed that the bargeman rose too, leaning on his arm, and seemed to have his eyes fastened on the rising figure.
Approaching nearer and nearer, the bargemanbecame Bradley Headstone, in rough water-side second-hand clothing.
Riderhood nodded, and the figure of the bargeman went its way along the soft turf by the side of the towing-path, keeping near the hedge and moving quickly.
Her Father, one Rickers, was a Bargeman at Emmerick, a Town in the Duchy of Cleves, where for better Subsistance he kept a sort of Tavern.
Thank you for bringing me,' said the little Piskey; but he never knew whether he was heard or not, for the Tiny Bargeman and his ancient Barge vanished as he spoke.
The little old Bargeman did not speak again till a roaring fell on their ears.
Therefore I am no longer Merlin the Magician, but only Merlin the Bargeman of Dozmare Pool.
This underground waterway was known to the fair ladies who lived by the pool, and who took away the wounded King in their little ship to the Vale of Avilion,' remarked the Bargeman when the stone shut up itself behind them.
Yes,' answered the Piskey, 'and a dinky Little Bargeman brought me from Dozmare Pool to Trebetherick that you might answer my question.
When the Barge came near the spot where the Piskey was standing, the Tiny Bargeman said: 'Who are you, looking as if you had the world on your back?
Germaine, as she dragged Marie into the little house under the big tiller, where the bargeman and his wife lived.
The wife of the bargeman had cooked a good meal on the little stove which stood on one of the hatches right out in the open.
Just here the bargemanpointed out to them the tiny church of St. Adrien.
With a proper caution and perseverance we shall infallibly trace this boat; for not only can the bargeman who picked it up identify it, but the rudder is at hand.
On pinnacled St. Mary's Lingers the setting sun; Into the street the blackguards Are skulking one by one: Butcher and Boots and Bargeman Lay pipe and pewter down; And with wild shout come tumbling out To join the Town and Gown.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bargeman" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.