But, further, he avails himself of many more resources to give variety of interest and literary charm to the topics which he successively deals with.
Homer also avails himself frequently of the soliloquy, as he does of natural dialogue and more formal oratory.
And as in other passages where Virgil wishes to produce this effect, we note that he avails himself here of the language of Ennius,-- Hei mihi, qualis erat.
Here they have continued to dwell, having added to their possessions, by an early purchase from the Holland Land Company, made with the avails of the sale of their reservation north of the Roanoke, in North Carolina.
In the face of the decrees of Providence, nothing avails but resignation.
Whatever it is, it avails not--distance avails not, and placeavails not.
Now what avails our worship, if the object of our adoration fails us in the hour of need?
What avails the triumph of our cause if there remains no queen to possess the triumph?
Alas for lover slain by might of Love; * Nor friend avails nor brother true, I trow!
Anselmo return and by his presence compel the work to be left unfinished; for love has no better agent for carrying out his designs than opportunity; and of opportunity he avails himself in all his feats, especially at the outset.
Nature, also, avails herself of this property to accomplish many of her purposes.
Nor is progressive motion, the only function in which Nature avails herself of the pressure of the atmosphere for the accomplishment of her purposes.
It is life against life--what good avails to the life-bereft?
XIII Yet a semblance of resource avails us-- Shade so finely touched, love's sense must seize it.
Against the virtue, that o'erpow'reth thee, Avails not to resist.
The soldier who rushed into the fight, leaving armour and arms huddled together on the ground, would soon fall, and God's giving avails nothing for our defence unless there is also our taking.
We may notice, also, that not only the fact of our sonship avails to assure us of immortal life, but that also the very form which our religious experience takes points in the same direction.
And the security avails only so long as you realise that you belong to God, and are living not for yourself.
And most avails the prayer of love, Which, wordless, shapes itself in needs, And wearies Heaven for naught above Our common needs.
Present-day criticism avails itself of this larger outlook upon art.
On his way to the expression of his idea the artist avails himself of material to give his feeling concrete actuality and visible or audible realization.
The undersigned avails himself of this note to renew to your Excellency assurances of his most perfect consideration.
I know that I must learn from his Word; that nothing else avails before him but faith in the crucified Christ, his Son; and that in such faith we must live, and do as our respective callings or positions require.
John's thought is: The Law has indeed been given by Moses, but what avails that fact?
Hence, for me itavails nothing before God; rather it is a detriment.
They cannot endure the teaching that their offering--the mass, regarded by the Papists as a work of superlative merit and holiness--avails nothing before God.
And he proceeds to argue that the Deity often avails Himself, as a medium for expressing His will, of unworthy subjects.
For it is only as language that the picture or the statue avails anything, and this circumstantiality of expression is tolerable only so long as it is the only expression.
It avails nothing in Germany, for example, for a director of a company to excuse the loss of money intrusted to his care on the ground that he thought he was acting in a businesslike manner.
When quizzed about our Constitution and the functions of the various departments of the government, they all show deplorable ignorance, but it avails nothing to take them to task on this ground.
To him the stage is the field of imagination; therefore, he avails himself of all allowed imaginative resources.