But he abjured long ago theatre auditoriums and stage entrances, the latter because he can now meet histrionic celebrities on an equal footing, the former because he holds modern plays trash and modern methods of interpreting old plays tinsel.
The demonstrated effect of Oneness is not carried by the energies of the Grand Assembly Circuit, though I made use of those energies in establishing an initial connection with the other auditoriums and the people in them.
The same effect was reported immediately from two other auditoriums on the Great Circuit, and it is quite possible that it was repeated in all of them.
I've received a report that the pulse was being experienced in one of the auditoriums .
A different scene was set upon each, and the auditoriums were turned, facing each scene in turn.
In the center of a circular building were five auditoriums forming a circle which was capable of turning.
In doing away with steps in the auditoriums of theaters the builders should not forget the actors.
The auditoriums in many German theaters are 150 feet back from the street and to reach them one must journey through a labyrinth of courts, corridors and sudden turnings.
If there were no other arguments in favor of adding auditoriums to the library's list of activities, there is this: that they introduce to the library large groups of people who have had no connection with it before.
There are those who think that no one uses the auditoriums except very wealthy club-women, who set up Christmas trees for the poor.
The so-called "middle class" has as fair a chance and as "good a time" in the library auditoriums as the foreign poor.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "auditoriums" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.