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Example sentences for "auec"

Lexicographically close words:
auditoriums; auditors; auditory; audits; audivi; auecques; aues; auez; auf; auff
  1. Sometimes it was performed by a blow given with the palm of the hand upon the cheek of the novice, which was always accompanied by some words, signifying that the ceremony was complete, and the squire had now become a knight.

  2. The feelings of Baldwin, however, were less chivalric than those of the noble chief of Otranto, and the banner of Tancred flying on the walls of Tarsus was an object that he could not long endure.

  3. The banquets and the festivals, as common to all ages, though differing in each, I will pass over: suffice it, that one of the strictest laws of Chivalry forbade gluttony and intemperance.

  4. Behold the peril in which you are placed--charge boldly to meet the infidels--defend your honour and your lives!

  5. Here they passed the night in repose, taking merely the precaution of throwing out sentinels to the banks of the stream.

  6. The Counts Palatine[108] were already full of the desire to undertake this journey; and all the knights of an inferior order felt the same zeal.

  7. They nevertheless encamped by the side of a beautiful stream, that, flowing on through the rich valley in which they were advancing, proceeded to join itself to the waters of the Sangarius.

  8. Car elle doubtoyt moult de gesir auec si riche dame; Quant elles furent couchees si commencerent a parler de leurs nouuelles amours; La royne demanda a la dame de mallehault selle a[y]me nulluy par amours, et elle luy dict que nenny.

  9. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "auec" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.